To all the FNaF fans that make a habit of using content from the books to back up some theories when it comes to the games: PLEASE STOP.
First off, when it comes to the books, Scott Cofton himself has stated a few times that although the books share similar things with the games and that the books could help people understand some of the game lore, the two should be seen as two separate continuities that are not directly canon with each other. If an event happens in the books, that doesn't mean that it's connected to the games.
Second, after Scott Cofton stepped down from piloting FNaF and passed the torch to Steel Wool Studios, the books after the main ones were written by different people with Scott giving the ok. So in the books where it states something like Molten Freddy being Elizabeth Afton, this isn't canon with the games at all. Also a lot of the later stories in the FNaF books are essentially fan fiction. I mean come on! One of the stories involves a programmer named Matt getting pregnant and dying from birthing a little Springtrap!
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3 years, 2 months ago
04 Jan 2022 15:36 CET