I hope y'all are having a good start to the year so far. I've just got a brief little poll for you. As a result of various factors, I'm expecting to undergo some rapid improvement over the next few months. We shall see how that bears out, but I wanted to see whether there was interest in me opening for commissions later this year (like early summer). Let me know what you think in the poll (and in here if you wish!)
I'm not exactly sure what price range you're looking at, but I've definitely been known to commission a lot from affordable artists new to the commissioning scene--a good number of them have "gotten their start" from my commissions and have risen up to be quite skilled, popular artists.
Only a handful have admitted that my commissions are what got them off the ground, but I think you definitely have what it takes to go far if it was something you were seriously considering and dedicated to :)
I'm not exactly sure what price range you're looking at, but I've definitely been known to commissio