Hey all!
So with the new year upon us, I felt it would it be good to have a little recap and review of my last year and plans for the next.
2021: A year of surprises and expansion!
I can say, definitely my start with a 'career' of drawing stuff here, if you can call it a career. Granted I started really getting into drawing just when my life in grad school got ESPECIALLY chaotic and stressful. But, I am glad I kept with drawing and didn't drop it. Keeping it for relaxation has definitely helped and definitely improved my skills drawing.
I also got my toes wet with digital drawing! something I never originally intended, but still a fun new avenue for art. I even took some commissions, again, something I never imagined Id do when I started drawing. I am very happy with myself in keeping quick deadlines and getting the job done nvn
I also made SO MANY new friends and acquaintances this year. When I dipped my toe into the art world, I thought I'd just be making the odd doodle and occasionally chatting with folks in the comments. But now I've gotten significantly more into the art world, or at least one corner of it, which is way more than I ever expected!
Now then.
2022: TBD
I know 2022 will be a big year of changes and advancements. For one, I am on track to finish up and defend my thesis in the fall (I still need to finish up the experiments and write the damn thing but still). So when that is done, I'll be free of grad school and on my way to a new career in the private sector and making significantly more for less insane work schedules.
Art wise, I definitely am going to keep up my drawing. It is a great stress reliever for me and it is nice to come home from the lab, sit back in my chair or on the couch and draw some huge butts/boobs/bulges. For a new years resolution, I aim to get more into digital work. Traditional art is much more relaxing as I can do it wherever and whenever, but digital allows for a lot of fun possibilities to draw that take SIGNIFICANTLY more work to do traditionally (TF/expansion sequences, outfit comparisons, etc.). So this year I plan to start making art that is digital from start to finish, rather than the digital relining and coloring of my art I have done thus far.
Lastly, commissions. I tend to draw art to relax, making it a job tends to run counter to that. I does however give me extra funds to do stuff like buying art supplies/equipment and buying commissions from other artists! That is why I haven't been taking open commissions and have been opening a few slots to those within certain circles. Additionally, because of BS work contracts, I cant be technically working a second job. So by keeping my earnings from it low, I dont have to report it on my taxes and thus prevents my grad school from having any proof Ive been doing this as side work, kinda. From chatting with some, for those of you who have gotten comms from me, I do plan on taking some in the spring (After April, as it technically a new tax year) and I will be raising my prices slightly. I think my art has improved enough and my time is worth it enough to merit it. Won't be anything drastic of course.
Wow, this turned out longer than I expected when I started! But that's about it! Happy new year everyone! and my 2022 be a better year for all than the past 2 years have been nvn
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3 years, 2 months ago
02 Jan 2022 03:25 CET