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And so it begins

Well, as much as I wish it wasn't true, dear leader's bold new idea of the government's role in the life of the individual got the green light from the Supreme Court.  

It is with great amusement that I watch the supporters of the smokescreen Obama hid behind cheer and pat themselves on the back, assuring themselves that all will be well (they remind me of that naive woman who declared "Now I don't have to pay my mortgage or put gas in my car" after dear leader was elected), as if a politician's decree can somehow move heaven and earth and will only be used for what said politician says it will be used for (after all the lies our government and governments around the world have been caught in, it amazes me that there are people who still take them at their word.  It amazes me even more when those people once called the government on such lies).  Meanwhile, what the government really accomplished with this ruling glides below the surface, unseen by the people who will one day suffer under it.

Newsflash, boys and girls!  The government just got handed a "do whatever I want and get away with it" card in regards to using its power to tax as a means of controlling the lives of individuals.  And the fact that it was something as private as your health that was used to push it means there is little, if any, limits to what part of your life is now open to government control.  If the government can fine you for not taking certain actions in regards to YOUR health, what other parts of YOUR life can it control?  Someone, please convince me that isn't what the ruling has opened the door too.  And please, don't make a fool of yourself by saying "The government says it won't do that".

Every action, every good, every service is now open to government control.  They can fine you for not keeping your money in a certain bank; they can fine you for not participating in a certain government crusade; they can fine you for not using a certain service or buying a certain product and they can fine you for using a certain service or owning a certain product, etc etc etc.  The list of what they can through this new power is so long it boggles the imagination.  You don't think it can be done, that it's somehow beyond their ability to have that kind of control over you?  Well, just look at any totalitarian dictatorship past or present for proof that it can be done.

As this knowledge hits me, it makes me wonder what people who saw what the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Castro, Saddam, and all the other dictators who have preached "Don't think.  Follow me and I will lead you to glory and prosperity!" for what they really were and woke up to find them in that position of power were thinking.  What were they thinking, what were they feeling, what were they planning on doing about it?  People will say I'm blowing things out of proportion.  They will call me a fool and mock me...but I'm not the kind of person who says "It can't happen here" based solely on wishful thinking.  

Dictatorship has finally come to America.  We might not see it today or tomorrow or next year or even five years from now.  We might not see it under Obama or his next successor or two or even five, but the door has been opened.  The legal standard has been set, and it's only a matter of time as to when it will be put fully into play.  And to those who are now unwittingly cheering this new control, may reality be merciful the day it wakes you up to what has truly come to pass.
Viewed: 23 times
Added: 12 years, 8 months ago
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