Howdy, thanks to everyone once again for their support for my works. Recently I have moved out of my adopted sister's place now that she is doing better health-wise and I am staying at my mother's for a short period of time before I move out to... California! However, since I have moved in I noticed that she barely eats due to being in meetings nearly the entire day, so I have been helping her to stay on her diet and with eating 3 meals a day by cooking and I help by cleaning around the house as well as assisting with any labor needed. On top of once again taking care of a family member I need to go to physical therapy and use up the last of my insurance coverages before the years end. So needless to say time for my art has been limited, I hope to release some Thanksgiving specials for this month(I am a total sucker for holidays) but please bare with me during this slow posting period. I hope you all have a wholesome and dank Thanksgiving month or even if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving I still hope your heart gets filled with warmth this time o' year. Also If you are not based in America do you have a holiday similar to Thanksgiving?
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3 years, 4 months ago
04 Nov 2021 23:24 CET