This is just a heads up for fans of my commissions and such, I'm probably going to delete my IB account and stick with my FA one from now on.
It mainly has to do with the art policies of the IB, as I just removed over... I believe 20 something odd pieces of art due to human content I received a notice about.
It's the rules though so I don't hold it against the site, but since I no longer write and just focus on posting commissions I want done it kind of sucks 90% of what I do won't be here.
That in mind I'll be focusing primarily on FA from here on, so you can easily find all of my content there using the link below.
Sorry for any inconvenience folks, this is just so there's no surprise should my account be gone in the coming days, and expect to find art from this gallery deleted between now and then as I have to remove them for policy stuff.
One problem tho fa shrinks the images while inkbunny doesnt and that sucks cause you have to do a double upload in a way to have the full res image or another way is to host the full res image on another site
One problem tho fa shrinks the images while inkbunny doesnt and that sucks cause you have to do a do
So the first thing I see when I check your FA-gallery are some links to IB-exclusive videos. I have to ask, what's gonna happen to them? Are they available elsewhere? I also have to ask, why delete the IB-account outright? Just leave it abandonned. I don't understand people who just decides to delete their art-accounts like that, when they can just redirect people to active accounts instead.
So the first thing I see when I check your FA-gallery are some links to IB-exclusive videos. I have
The videos themselves will be erased, that's the only real downside to it.
As far as why delete it completely, it's just a matter of choice really. With how much of my content involves humans even with the account left over time most of it would be removed regardless. Having an empty account is pretty much the same as none at all. In the end the only thing that would likely remain are the chapters of TOTGM and the videos, along with what few pieces of art I have that don't depict some type of human-eqsue character.
Which... Isn't very much.
The videos themselves will be erased, that's the only real downside to it. As far as why delete it
And as far as the answer as to why, I pretty much summed it up in a comment to another above here. But it's basically a matter of most of my gallery likely winding up on the booting list for containing humans as well as the fact I have everything on FA anyway, so getting rid of IB isn't an issue for me personally.
This journal kind of is the warning. lol And as far as the answer as to why, I pretty much summed i