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Some info/ bios on my recurring cub characters

Bandit: Racoon cub. His normal age is ~8. He is often, but not always Tobias’s son. He is affectionate to those he cares about, but has minimal shyness, and little to no regard for societal norms. He’d never attempt to hide his love of wetting and messing, unless it’s something like keeping the school admins off his dad’s ass. In some universes, where he has parents other than Tobias, they have no choice but to accept his habits, because he’s so persistent. He’s fully continent with as much control as any cub his age, maybe even a bit above average. He doesn't get wet in his sleep. He will wear and wet both undies and pull-ups. He has a fondness for cloth training pants too (basically thicker undies) though he usually wears them without plastic pants, so the pee shows through almost as much as with normal undies. However it makes his crotch all warm and squishy. Also, it makes sure the poop is well contained. He also does use the toilet about half the time, when it makes sense to do so. Though he wouldn’t ever poop in the toilet at school. He’d rather load his pants in class. Also, he never wears tape-on diapers

Todd: Fox cub. Also roughly 8 on average, in most depictions. He’s pretty similar to banit with a few notable differences. First of which, tape-on diapers are within the range of what he wears. He also is a bedwetter, so often wears his tape-ons at night. Additionally, he’s a bit more prone to actual accidents than most cubs his age. Nothing bordering on incontinence, but if he’s sufficiently distracted, ir excited, it kinda just happens. Also, if for some reason he has to try to hold it for a long time, he’s not always successful. Because of this, despite his naturally more shy disposition than Bandit, he kinda has to be open about his bathroom habits, whether he likes it or not. The fact he genuinely enjoys wetting and messing himself, and never much liked the potty anyway definitely makes his accidents easier to deal with emotionally. In universes where he’s friends with Bandit, or some of my other cubs, I imagine they’re good influences to teach him to embrace his interests and accident-prone nature. Also, like Bandit, he’s very unlikely to willingly use the toilet at school, though he does try to hold it, and make it home, which Bandit never does if he has to go bad enough. I also like to imagine him in universes sometimes where he has one less accepting parent, and the more accepting one is one his side, against their spouse. This dynamic has yet to be depicted though

Jackal: He’s an African Wild Dog cub. Same average age as the others. He wears pull-ups 24/7 and uses them for both. I imagine he’s never done any differently. It’s definitely more of a shy pup sometimes, but that’s because of a backstory I have in mind for him. Basically, in some universes, he started out in the care of Tobias or another caring parent, but had to spend some time away from him, which resulted in a failed attempt at forced potty training, which the good adult has to help him heal from when they can re-unite. I have some other ideas for this story-line but don’t wish to give spoilers. He is also a natural bedwetter, and about as prone to actual accidents as Todd.

CP: Red panda cub, same age. His situation is a bit unique amongst my cubs. Initially I imagined him only using his pull-up for pee, and never poop, but then I got really into the idea of him starting to mess, and enjoy it after something happens to get him into it at about the age he’s usually depicted in. So now, that’s kinda the canon story-line for the character himself. The story I have depicting one verson is called “Broadened Horizons” but as with everything, this is a loosely connected giant multiverse, so it can happen other ways. Generally speaking though, it starts with him starting to enjoy poop desperation, and goes from there, usually via an accident. As for him, he is a bit accident prone. Not as much as Todd and Jackal, but still definitely so. Maybe on the “high” side of average for his age. And of course, like most cubs, he hates being pulled away from his play. Also, I imagine he’d encourage others to try messing, or to go in their pants if they already know they don’t mind it, even before he likes it himself. Yes, that does make him a bit of a hypocrite, but that’s because his only messing experience before is with diarrhea, which he didn’t like. I also like imagining alternate scenarios, where encouraging younger cubs to mess is what gets him into it. Also, he’s a daily bedwetter.

Bun-Bun: Bunny boy also about 8. Sometimes depicted as visually autistic. In any case, he’s very sweet, and hates the potty. He’d never even consider using it. For pee or poop. But he also doesn’t care for how diapers feel, so he wears and goes in normal clothes. Like Bandit, he has a normal continence, though I do think he’s likely a bedwetter. The only time he wears padding is when he has the runs, because that’s just best for everyone. He’s okay with cloth trainers, as long as he isn’t wearing plastics over them. The only time he’ll consider that is if he’s somewhere he just really shouldn’t make puddles, but even then it depends.

Lutari: Otter boy of the same age as all of them. Also sometimes depicted with autistic traits. He never wears a shirt, or pees in the potty. His normal attire is a pair of wet sweatpants and undies. Nothing else. In at least one universe, he has his own master bedroom and does his own laundry, and has a mom with no sense of smell, so can get away with a lot. Basically his mom thinks he’s just an occasional bedwetter. In this kind of universe he wears black pants or others which hide wetness a lot of the time. However, if he is around people who know, or doesn’t have to hide it from his guardians, he never minds being seen obviously wet. He isn;t a bedwetter or prone to any accidents.  Definitely more resistant to accidents than average for his age. Though, being tickled with a bursting bladder will prolly make any little boy soak himself. Also, he simply has no interest in pooping himself. He has no aversion to others doing it though, and may well encourage it if the cub does or might like it. After all, your gaming partner filling their pants saves you both having to pause
Viewed: 218 times
Added: 3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
I think what had confused me is that you originally uploaded stories to your gallery that featured Todd & Tobias, then Bandit, CP, & Tobias, respectively...

...and then you posted a bunch of art pieces of them, and also included art of Jackal, Bun-Bun, and Lutari.

But the art was my only introduction to them.

But many more months passed before you posted stories that featured... well... Jackal and Lutari, so far.

I don't think there's a story that features Bun-Bun, unless I missed something.

So I've read and favorited so many of your stories about these adorable characters, but seeing this character bios journal really helps me to understand their backgrounds and how they relate to one another.

I love your concept of a multiverse, as well.

Thank you for writing this out.
3 years, 6 months ago
you're welcome :3

Also, there is a story about bun-bun completed that's coming up shorty.

thank you for your kind words
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