It's just come to my attention thanks to [iconname]tobifur[/iconname] though not intentionally, that someone has been using my name in streams and being an asshole, i guess. Whatever it was, prompted tobifur to confront me and apologize for a journal he made and politely mention that he didn't want any conflict between us.
While this journal was real, i have no idea what the comment was or if it had anything to do with that journal. So i don't know if this person is watching what i'm doing or if he just made a stupid comment and tobi recalled that spat between us.
I want to make this perfectly clear. I do not go into streams. And will never go into streams. I have no interest in watching art and socializing in a chat room. I have other things to do. This may have happened more than once. I received a PM some time ago where someone said i've been dredging up bad memories for his friend, in a malicious way. He never mentioned who his friend was, so i have no idea what that was about but this my guess.
I don't know who is doing it, and at this point i just don't care. If you stream and happen to be reading this, if i was in your stream, that was an impostor. Someone who obviously doesn't like me enough to go out of his way to smear my name. I only know one person that hates me that much. Pretty sad dude =) and pathetic as hell. Grow up.
EDIT: The comment that i apparently left in Tobifur's stream was "your art is horrible, the drawing, the coloring, everything it all sucks". Whoever you are that's doing this, i don't know how you can live with yourself. You're such a horrible, disgusting excuse of a human being.
Sorry Tobifur. You're art doesn't suck
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12 years, 9 months ago
20 Jun 2012 23:48 CEST