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My name. My poor name :(

It's just come to my attention thanks to [iconname]tobifur[/iconname] though not intentionally, that someone has been using my name in streams and being an asshole, i guess. Whatever it was, prompted tobifur to confront me and apologize for a journal he made and politely mention that he didn't want any conflict between us.

While this journal was real, i have no idea what the comment was or if it had anything to do with that journal. So i don't know if this person is watching what i'm doing or if he just made a stupid comment and tobi recalled that spat between us.

I want to make this perfectly clear. I do not go into streams. And will never go into streams. I have no interest in watching art and socializing in a chat room. I have other things to do. This may have happened more than once. I received a PM some time ago where someone said i've been dredging up bad memories for his friend, in a malicious way. He never mentioned who his friend was, so i have no idea what that was about but this my guess.

I don't know who is doing it, and at this point i just don't care. If you stream and happen to be reading this, if i was in your stream, that was an impostor. Someone who obviously doesn't like me enough to go out of his way to smear my name. I only know one person that hates me that much. Pretty sad dude =) and pathetic as hell. Grow up.

EDIT: The comment that i apparently left in Tobifur's stream was "your art is horrible, the drawing, the coloring, everything it all sucks".  Whoever you are that's doing this, i don't know how you can live with yourself. You're such a horrible, disgusting excuse of a human being.

Sorry Tobifur. You're art doesn't suck
Viewed: 85 times
Added: 12 years, 9 months ago
12 years, 9 months ago
Don't need To be a detective to figure that one out.
12 years, 9 months ago
haha clever xD

can't prove it though :( too bad and doesn't matter, bitches will be bitches
12 years, 9 months ago
Mhmm, and they'll never change.

Guess its a good thing that people of certain social orders tend to hang out with others of the same order, means more of daddy for kit and Rally :3
12 years, 9 months ago
hehe yeah =) *hugs* you can has all of daddy you want =x
12 years, 9 months ago
that's low -_-
12 years, 9 months ago
yep. and even though i never said i thought it was Tae directly, he still threw a bitch fit journal. Guilty conscience? Dunno, don't care. Can't stop him even if it is him, but what i said still stands. You have t be pretty fucking weak to do something like that to someone you know.
12 years, 9 months ago
Agree with Leon, not too much detective work needed, just need hard evidence. lol, though I do wish that my master's name wouldn't get marred like this.
12 years, 9 months ago
Meh it's okay. It doesn't matter much. I was just putting this journal out so maybe some others could be informed. There isn't much in a  name i guess. I'm still me and i'm still here and i don't require social interaction and the love of the public to stay alive or be happy. If i get trolled, i ban. If i get attacked, i'll ban.. and mention it to the mods.

Anyway it's not proof but it may as well be a guilty onfession. Go look at Tae's new journal. He's throwing a bitch fit about it. Funny thing is i never even said his name... didn't even write this to attack the person that did it lol. Just simply wanted people to see it wasn't me
12 years, 9 months ago
Putting aside the fact it was probably Tae, he would have made the journal about it whether it was him or not just to get more attention.

Next he'll be making a journal saying he's going to commit suicide because everyone's being mean to him...de ja vu perhaps?

If only...
12 years, 9 months ago
=p stop trying to cause more trouble xD

doesnt matter if it's Tae or not, my feeling on the matter stays the same. And i don't care who it is, you still have to be pretty scummy to be such a prick to someone who didn't deserve it just to make someone else look bad. So it makes no difference in the end. And the journal was just a weak attempt to inform others of the situation so it really just doesn't matter
12 years, 9 months ago
Again I am sorry you had to go through this and put the journal out I really didn't know that there was gonna be all this crap going on. I feel like I am causing trouble just for it being brought up to you. Tho I am glad quarrels are gone for us, I am regretting telling you because I feel that it's gonna cause you more stress than if I had just stayed shut up.
12 years, 9 months ago
Oh don't worry about that. It's better to be honest. I'd rather i at least knew someone was using my name. Sure are a lot of people who don't like though lol. Wonder what i did. I guess speaking your mind and being blunt makes you a bad guy. Oh well. Anyway it's not your fault at all. Someone is being a bastard and while that person may never pay for his actions, i'm glad i was able to clear it up with you at least.

Also the name LandofOOO's name came up. He was the other person i mentioned in my journal that someone said i was.. hurting. it's a frustrating situation but it clearly needed some attention so you did the right thing. Thanks =p
12 years, 7 months ago
I think I may know who it is, or who would do something like that.
12 years, 7 months ago
well i think i do too but it makes no difference who. the person who did it is a bastard, and he's not affecting my life. in fact i even made a friend from it...
12 years, 7 months ago
that's good
also, confronting him about it wouldn't make a difference, it would probably make it worse ^^;;
either way, sorry for your troubles :3
12 years, 7 months ago
well if it is the peson i think it is then yes you'd be right. only way to deal with a troll is to let him burn himself out.... or punch him in the mouth but since that's not an option... =p

dun worry about it though, i haven't heard anything from him in a while so i'm happy
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