I, actually, live in Pennsylvania so going to the Too Many Games convention is easy for me. I had been looking forward to this con for quite some time, and Brentalfloss is the biggest reason why. I had never seen him perform before, nor had I seen him do a Q&A panel. I have, however, been a fan of his for a long, LONG time. Thank you Screw Attack for introducing me to him quite some time ago. I do not know how long. I have been here since version 3, so it has been years.
Anyway, we drove up to the con on Friday after my room mate got off of work. The drive was relatively uneventful. Him and I chatted for a good portion of the drive there, and I listened to Who's Next by the Who on my cell phone for the rest of the drive up. We arrived at around 8 o clock. We checked into our room and took a moment to make ramen and get settled in. I listened to the end of the Texas Rangers game, and they beat Houston. A Texas Rangers win always puts me in a good mood.
After we ate, we decided to make our way down to the con. We were not 100% sure if they would let us in that late, but we decided to give it a shot anyway. We walked right past the building. I, actually, pointed out the building, saying that that might be it, It turned out that I was right. A woman pointed us in the right direction, and we felt dumb for walking past it. Whatever. We walked back and went into the place. They were still open, and we were able to get registered for the weekend. We were able to skip the long lines the next day because of this.
After that, we spent time checking out the convention. We looked through all the dealers and conversed with some of them. My room mate bought a game thath he is very nostalgic about from his childhood. I was not able to buy anything because no one was accepting credit cards. There was one guy who said he was, and he had something I wanted. He had a copy of Doom 3: Resurection of Evil for hte Xbox. I never got it, despite how much I love Doom. His credit card thing was not working, and I had to leave empty handed. That was annoying, but it was still fun.
Afer we went back to our room, we watched the "walk the wire" guy for a while. I tweeted that the broadcast needed more Stevie Ray Vaughan. I hope some of you have good enough taste in music to get that. Haha. My room mate's brother arrived after that, and he brought an N64 with him. That would have been cool, but the damned thing would not display. That wasn't fun, so we just sat, chatted and watched videos on our phones because we did not bring a laptop. We eventually went to bed, and I did not get much sleep. Maybe I was was just too excited.
We woke up on Saturday thinking that the Brentalfloss performance was at 11 AM. IT turned out that my room mate misread the schedule. It was not at 11 AM. It was at 1 PM, or it was supposed to be. The thing was delayed for an hour because of technial problems. IT was not a big deal. IT gave us more time to play arcade games, talk to people and walk around the place. That was a lot of fun. I met Chad and talked to him for probably 10 minutes. W got some footage of the arcade area with our camera. There are videos coming. I got to play on an R Type machine. That may not seem like a big deal to you, but it was to me because I have never played R Type on an arcarde cabinet before. Getting to do that was just awesome. They had some other games, as well. Mrs. Pacman, Arkanoid, X-Men vs. Street Figher and uther things. IT was pretty cool and a lot of fun.
After that, we went to Brentalfloss's show, which happened at 2 PM. He had panel directly after that, so I think he cut his performance a little short,. IT was 45 to 50 minutes long, all total. That being said, it was a hell of a lot of fun. Brent has a fantastic stage presence. HE is very witty,. He is a quick thinker, and he is very funny when he is doing stand up, as well. IT was an excellent show, and we recorded it all for you. That video is coming soon, as well. Keep an eye on my site's Youtube account, and I will probably post it here, too. If you get the chance to check him out live, take it. IT was awesome. IT was funny, and it was a hell of a lot of fun.
After that, we went straight over to his panel. We did not record this because we left the camera charging. I am sorry about that, but his panel was a lot of fun, as well. He took fan questions and gave answers that were, quite often, long and in depth. He showes off a few things of his that were in the works, as well. I will tell you this. Some of it will surprise you, but it is still very good. His panel was a lot of fun and quite enlightening on a lot of different things. I wish we could have recorded it. I really do.
Directly after that, the Angry Video Game Nerd had his panel. He, actually, walked in during Brentalfloss's panel, and Brent said that he watched the AVGN's review of Castlevania 2 when he was doing research for his song about the game, which is a great song, by the way. James did something different for his panel. He didn't do a standard Q&A. He went through the first full year of the AVGN show episode by episode. He talked about each episode individually, got questions on them all and read off quotes from them all. There were some laughs and an in depth look at it all with both James and Mike. It was fun, and we did get this entire thing recorded, as well. Unfortunately, James own camera man does block the shot of James and Mike at various points throughout the video. If I had been recording from the other side of the room, this would not have happened. Like an idiot, I didn't move the camera over there. Look for the video of this, as well.
After that, it all winded down. I met Brentalfloss on the show floor. I talked to him for a bit and got him to sign a spare copy of Super Mario Brothers for the NES, I shook his hand and thanked him for the great show. After that, we left and went to a bar where things went sour really fast thanks to my friend Jason's friend who is a self centered asshole. I will not say what he said. I will just say that I, honestly, think that he is not comfortable unless others around him are uncomfortable. HE goes way out of his way to offend people. It takes quite a bit for me to not like someone at all, and he manages it. I Do not like him at all. That aside, it was a great weekend, and I had a lot of fun. Look for videos from Digital Delirium in the future.