You may recognize me from my profile picture as ParadoxPandox, and since this is Inkbunny, I'm not surprised that it's likely much more recognizable than this account ever will be, considering what I write on there. Smut. It's smut.
I doubt this account is going to average many views, but I figured I would give my music a more furry home than it has right now on SoundCloud (go check it out if you haven't already; it has way more music up than this account right now).
I understand this content definitely isn't for everyone. Writing usually has a much broader appeal to furries than music, and musical tastes can be very specific, so I figured I would make a separate account but keep everything linked so people can find me if they really want to look hard enough. I've got nothing to really hide.
Still, I hope you can find some enjoyment here, listening to electronic and ambient music. If not, feel free to check my writing account out and see if there's anything there you'd prefer to feast your eyes on instead of your ears.