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My Little Pony fluttershy Lady of nature

In morning of Fluttershy's house every animal are getting singing and happy but as for flutthershy still sleeping from last night  because flutthershy wasn't alone she with discord they have some tea and talking love also other thing angel bunny went he try to wake up fluttershy.

{fluttershy} what is it oh good morning angel (angel telling they are  hungry) oh okay just give me a min"

half min have been pass fluttershy got to of daily work but she can't stop thinking about last night to what she what saying to discord. In the last night of Fluttershy's house.

{discord} so fluttershy what going on is okay"

{flutterhsy} of course everything okay it just I want like we need to talk (fluttershy went to the kitchen) do want some tea"

{discord} sure"

when fluttershy out with pots of tea and two cup fluttershy and discord have started talking long talk then fluttershy.

{fluttershy} hmm I want to tell you"

{discord} what is it fluttershy what is tell you to me"

{fluttershy} there something happen to celesta and luna (discord look fluttershy something wrong) I want to ask you here"

fluttershy explain everything to discord what happen to celesta and luna while fluttershy still talking discord is overwhelmed to what he is hearing.

{discord} so you are telling me this celestia and luna have no memories when we met when they turn stone"

{fluttershy} I sorry I so sorry twilight is rise them but celestia and luna look so cute as foal also I think letting you know what happen to them discord I...I (discord got up) discord where are you going"

{discord} I need time to think of this if that okay to you fluttershy (fluttershy smile at discord)"

{fluttershy} sure thing discord take time when you want oh discord I love you (back present) I hope discord is okay"

after fluttershy have finish with her daily work but she still think about discord and what going to do if he come back and what fluttershy going to said to discord then fluttershy she went to town and go shop also other thing as well. It been five day there is no sign of discord fluttershy is still worry about discord in next morning fluttershy have look at her fence is broken then fluttershy talk to applejack for help.

{fluttershy} hello applejack how you have been"

{applejack} hi fluttershy I doing great"

fluttershy ask applejack help with her broken fence in min then they have tea and five min later applejack ahead home and then fluttershy look at her window animal are so worry about her in 30 min later fluttershy happy to see discord he came back.

{fluttershy} discord you came back"

{discord} yeah and I sorry for (fluttershy fly to discord and kiss them) fluttershy"

{fluttershy} it okay I knew you come back and I...and I...I love you discord"

fluttershy and discord they made out in living room and in fluttershy's bedroom in morning discord has leave but discord he left fluttershy a note and fluttershy starting wake up.

{fluttershy} hmm discord where are you (dear fluttershy I have been thinking a lot everything what I done what I did because I was alone but when celesta and luna show up stop me I was happy after they turn me stone then my freedom long year of stone I met you and your friend well you and your friend turn back stone year later you reform me having fun to make you join of chaos that what think but I was wrong I guess kindness is chaos fluttershy when you told me you love me I was more happy then ever so I'll be with you if need me and I love too discord) oh discord I will be with you too"

in morning fluttershy got with her daily work in few hour later in fluttershy's bedroom fluttershy take a nap.

{fluttershy} where I am what is this who is there (a bear show up right behind of fluttershy) oh it you mr bear wait are you doing what you doing (bear roar) what do you mean we are going no not there please stop oh no cumming (fluttershy wake up from nightmare) it was nightmare and (fluttershy look down) oh my"

fluttershy look at of her window it like her nap it been min but it is half hour and it night so fluttershy start her dinner and fed animal in next morning fluttershy went to marked street and to see zecora they talk and then she head home at night fluttershy went to bed and having nightmare little different from first one this nightmare look like marked street she look around but no pony around then she hear something is coming.

fluttershy} hello who is go there (deer show up) oh it just you mr deer wait where is mrs deer (fluttershy scream) Mrs. deer not lick me there"

two deer rape fluttershy first bear and now deer what next in morning fluttershy went to the forest and waterfall to think what going on why she having these nightmare without luna fluttershy nightmare will grow worse at night on next nightmare fluttershy get rape falcon and eagle having fun with fluttershy's wing fluttershy woke up went walk to bathroom and went back when she did new nightmare inside fluttershy's house few rabbit lick pussy anal and her udder.

{fluttershy} hmm what where I this time (fluttershy scream) rabbit what are you doing no not there not my udder not my pussy not my anal please stop (rabbit talking) what you mean have order wait did Mr bear Mr Mrs deer eagle and falcon have same order (rabbit talking) who is give order all you animal"

in long of night fluttershy want to know what happening to her so fluttershy want to ask help to twilight she maybe could help. so fluttershy went waterfall and ponyville marked last the forest with Angel bunny trying to think it out and this mean to her nightmare then it getting dark so they went home fluttershy is going to bed.

{fluttershy} where I am this time wait I outside of my house (fluttershy is opening door) hello"

fluttershy look around nopony and no animal then she laughter it familiar.

{fluttershy} discord is here may be ask him"

so fluttershy went and follow the laughter when she reach where laughter it was.

{fluttershy} angel what doing where is discord I hear his voice and"

{angel bunny} oh fluttershy you always love and kind and you want to see discord he is sit out has my throne"

angel bunny point where is discord and fluttershy to see stone.

{fluttershy} discord what happen to you hmm hey you behind of discord come out please"

fluttershy look to see pony behind to herself.

{slave fluttershy} hello me master I ready"

{angel bunny} good and your other fluttershy"

{fluttershy} wait what oh no again"

fluttershy and slave fluttershy but angel bunny watch all thing. in morning fluttershy wake up look herself at mirror what she did in her nightmare so let she everything for animal and also note if discord where she at main time. in hour later fluttershy walk to somewhere in ponyville then she see twilight with celestia and luna so fluttershy went where twilight are going at her old castle.

{fluttershy} twilight it been while"

{twilight} hello fluttershy it have while how you been"

{fluttershy} well I doing good but I having nightmare pass five days"

{twilight} oh I see well I hope you"

{royal guard} excuse me your majesty"

{twilight} yes"

{royal guard} there some-pony like to see you"

{twilight} oh she is here you can bring her here"

{fluttershy} who is she twilight"

twilight explain to fluttershy royal guard bring this some-pony.

{pony} hello twilight and fluttershy"

{fluttershy} wait is that you starlight"

{starlight} yes it been long time fluttershy anyway twilight everything is ready for celestia and luna"

{twilight} thank you starlight well fluttershy are you coming inside with me and celestia and luna"

{fluttershy} sure"

fluttershy twilight and celestia and luna went go in of twilight's castle to see what to see starlight did. while they look around fluttershy explain to twilight about her nightmare.

{twilight} I see fluttershy you have simple power your nightmare never have"

{fluttershy} what that"

{twilight} friends"

in four hour later it getting dark twilight stay a night at old castle also fluttershy stay as well. fluttershy walk to bed but she stop because she can hear twilight sing good night song to celestia and luna when twilight came out talk to fluttershy about what she just hear.

{twilight} you see fluttershy by sing to them well sound sleep but luna she is will awake in three hour of night so you get better sleep when you can okay"

{fluttershy} okay thank you twilight well I going to bed good night"

fluttershy went to bed few min in nightmare she wake back in where her first nightmare the bear have start fluttershy didn't see coming outside of fluttershy's nightmare foal luna use her magic meanwhile back in fluttershy's nightmare fluttershy can hear twilight voice so she have enough with this.

{fluttershy} oh mr bear if you almost done I can give one big kiss on forehead has good boy (bear talking) really would I lie"

the bear walk to fluttershy so she give him one big kiss but he except for him kiss on forehead fluttershy ate him whole.

{fluttershy} oh my did I just did that but it feel good"

after fluttershy vore of bear this time she have good night but she know it not over yet then in morning twilight have return to canterlot but fluttershy stay in at castle in few days. that other night fluttershy wake up to see mr and mrs deer walk and they start to work but mr and mrs deer didn't know what going to happen to them.

{fluttershy} (i going to cumming) that lot from last time (mr deer talking to mrs deer) hey mrs deer fluttershy can you lick up in my butthole would you please (mrs deer talking) ah yes right there can I want you go in deep (mrs deer lick in fluttershy's butthole) I want more"

mrs deer continue of her lick fluttershy's butthole then she got her tongue stuck fluttershy pull mrs deer in.

{fluttershy} yes almost there (fluttershy have complete pull mrs deer in butthole) that just little better maybe mr deer how he taste"

fluttershy went to find mr deer in min later she find him he is heading back but he didn't know what happen to mrs deer.

{fluttershy} and now (mr deer talking then fluttershy is eating mr deer) that was so good now mr and mrs deer two of you are part me what next oh I know eagle and falcon hmm I want to know what they taste like"

fluttershy went home home to check the animal how are they been past two day when fluttershy show the animal are happy to see her in five hour hour later fluttershy leave and ahead back to twilight castle then fluttershy have bed.

{fluttershy} okay I here but where they (eagle and falcon talking) oh there they are"

eagle and falcon got to work on fluttershy while they doing having fun with fluttershy fluttershy is planning how she can eat them altogether.

{fluttershy} okay boys (eagle and falcon talking) I just want give both you kiss that all (eagle and falcon talking) yes that all now close your eye"

eagle and falcon close their eye fluttershy open her mouth wide and close on them fluttershy swallow them whole.

{fluttershy} thank boys for kiss"

fluttershy walk to lake.

{fluttershy} look at me what I have done two more nightmare it angel and me how I face them (you can face them with my help) what who is there (look down) what the... are you...me (yes I am you well you going to become) really what are you (hmm good question I think your true form of elements of kindness) so what now (now you and I can face angel being as bad bunny now get sleep tomorrow night it rabbit) okay good night"

in next morning fluttershy is going to town to get few thing and she went to see lake min later fluttershy have to see herself and to think what she become and what she going to do from after.

{fluttershy} okay come on fluttershy I am becoming alicorn with nature look"

in hour later fluttershy went back twilight's castle before get dark and this going to be last night in twilight's castle fluttershy went to bed in nightmare fluttershy playing with rabbit then she ate them one by one.

{fluttershy} you are next angel bunny"

in morning fluttershy went to home then she got there she get work and few hour later fluttershy went her bedroom and take a nap 3 min later fluttershy went marked then it starting to dark so fluttershy went home and to face her final nightmare.

{fluttershy} well this it time let do this (she went to bed and fall to sleep) okay I here where are you angel"

{angel bunny} are you looking for me that kind of you fluttershy"

fluttershy look at angel bunny.

{fluttershy} angel I here to stop you I have enough with you"

{angel bunny} stop me what for"

{fluttershy} make me look like a slave"

{angel bunny} (angel bunny laugh at fluttershy) that funny"

{fluttershy} I said I have enough (fluttershy transform) angel bunny you been very, very, VERY BED BUNNY SO I LABY OF NATURE WHO IS MASTER OF NATURE ITSELF AND YOU MASS WITH WORNG PONY (angel bunny runway) where are you going young man"

{angel bunny} oh come on fluttershy please let me this can't (fluttershy mad look) what are you going to me"

{fluttershy} well I going to eat you for bad bunny and having discord's voice also make me look like slave (fluttershy open her mouth and vore bad angel bunny) now as for you other me"

{slave fluttershy} are you going ate me as well"

fluttershy think about what she going to do with slave herself.

{fluttershy} I think know where I can put you somewhere we both know (fluttershy turn around slave fluttershy her pussy) come give me good time without angel around"

slave fluttershy went to lady fluttershy in very min lady fluttershy pull her slave self into womb in each time she pull her salve self then in last final pull fluttershy has her slave self in her womb.

{fluttershy} now you can sleep deep inside me"

in morning fluttershy look around and she look herself of mirror and she smile in few days everything went back normal no more nightmare in next three day later fluttershy try learn control her nature form then in four day discord see to fluttershy flying to the forest so he follow her 5 min of following of fluttershy discord see to fluttershy turning into nature form.

{discord} fluttershy"

{fluttershy} discord what you doing you here"

{discord} i follow you and"

{fluttershy} wait you follow me why"

{discord} because i was worry about you also when did you learn to this"

fluttershy walk front to discord.

{fluttershy} i been having nightmare past days ago then i have enough so i become lady of nature lord of chaos"

{discord} well nature is chaos"

{fluttershy} so can we have some fun while we are here"

10 hour fluttershy and discord they have sex then they went home and they have sex again in morning discord make breakfast fluttershy fly down from her bedroom in half min later.

{fluttershy} discord that feel good discord are you okay"

{discord} oh i okay i have been thinking (discord put breakfast down on table) ah mm fluttershy before we eat i,i want ask you these long past year you and i became friend but i want more to be friend fluttershy (discord is proposing to fluttershy) will you married me"

{fluttershy} oh discord yes i will married you"

long 6 month fluttershy and discord family got married and 7 month later.

{fluttershy} hey discord can you"

{discord} sure you okay these past week you not feeling well"

{fluttershy} i went to see doctor about that and today i went to doctor and (fluttershy put discord's right hand on her belly) discord i'm pregnant"
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Added: 2 years, 9 months ago
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