Yes, yes I know, I haven't really been posting here but honestly I haven't been doing much of anything aside from packing. At the start of April the current landlord I am renting from sent me and my roomies and email, specifying that he wants to sell the property but in turn offered us the ability to buy it or gtfo.
I'll be honest the house is a piece of shit, foundation issues and interior issues galore that any buyer will have a field day fixing up, that aside though due to the intense struggle I have suffered through, my final card is being played and I am moving out of the state of Texas where I currently reside.
Housing boom is why, big name companies are setting up shop in texas, bringing in more employees and work force bodies, its even getting to the extreme that housing prices across the more popular business sides of the state are skyrocketing, it is not a pretty sight seeing a shitty 1 bed/1bath apartment on market for 2100 dollars a month, big ouch.
Due to this, me and roomies basically were unsuccessful with house hunting overall, being bought out by larger figures at every turn in applications to the point where we had to fall back on the last resort of a state move.
I will be in arkansas for the time being, give or take a year or two but bunking with a a roomies (my bf's) family for about a month. Anything art related is a bit on the slow side right now as the area I will be bunking at doesnt exactly have internet nor does it have exceptional cell service, but even then I will try to keep active via phone if a larger bit of info does sprout out of this.
I do want to also say thanks to all the followers and faves ive gotten while inactive, you guys rock and your faves and watches haven't gone un-noticed, just been exceptionally busy is all.
To those that at least want to try and keep contact with me for the month of awkward sporatic phone connection, you can always reach out via telegram and poke me there regarding anything.
That is all fur's and furrette's, have a nice day and take care!
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3 years, 8 months ago
26 Jun 2021 12:51 CEST