After a bit of a shakedown period and getting accustomed to things, we're opening invites to the telegram again. This time with a permanent invite link, no time limit.
Might be, I dunno. Despite having had this TG group up for a while now, I haven't delved enough into the administration or technical side of the program to be able to help with any troubleshooting. But I just made that link right before pasting it here, so I know for sure it's fresh.
Might be, I dunno. Despite having had this TG group up for a while now, I haven't delved enough int
Is there anywhere else I can follow you two? You actually post here still but I am really sad I haven't seen anything from TheDomovoi in 2 years and I would like to follow their content again (assuming they still make content). Really enjoy everything in the camp pines series and just want to see more.
Is there anywhere else I can follow you two? You actually post here still but I am really sad I have