My friend and fellow artist, Meg, launched her Kickstarter campaign at 12 PM EST last night to launch her first plushie ever: the Cork!
What is a Cork, you may ask? It's a cute chonky corgi shark! HOW EFFING CUTE IS THAT?! You NEED this good boi in your life!
If you haven't heard of Meg and her mashies, I'm so sorry! She is a hella rad, super sweet person, and she is the creator of MegsMashables; mashables are one or more critter mashed together, sometimes along with a food item, to create a new critter. They are super cute! Sometimes a bit....wut....but cute! You can find her on TikTok/Instagram/Twitch/Etsy/Patreon and there's even a FB page for the mashies. Just type in MegsMashables or Meg's Mashables and bOOM.
D O I T. Your life will be much better for it, trust me.
ANYWHO, Meg needs our help! As previously stated, she launched her Kickstarter campaign last night and basically we have 29 days to hit her goal to make the Cork stuffie a reality! Backers who pledge on the first day (June 11th) get a discount on their cute new stuffie :D
If you are someone that LOVES plushies and cute critters, and are for backing small-business owners that are trying to make their dream a reality, or if you know anyone else that would be interested,, then please consider backing Meg and her cute little chonk and share this link around :) She's just an amazing human being, and she totally deserves this. I haven't known her for very long, but it feels like it's been a lifetime!
AND TO ADD SOME INCENTIVE; if you decide to back this awesome Kickstarter, leave a comment and inbox me a screenshot of your backer number and I will draw you whatever you want!
Within reason! Ya heathens XD
YA HEARD IT RIGHT THO: Adopt a Cork, get free art!
And if she hits her goal by or before July 11th, I wiiiiilllllll idk... think of something else to do as well. Maybe a big group picture or something I don't know.
SO GO FORTH. BACK THE CAMPAIGN. SPREAD THE WORD; make journals/posts/send your friends & family the link/tell others on different sites/bLOW THIS UP.