Its been a while since I last did an update journal, but I think it is seriously needed. It will be different than the last however, as I think I need to do the art to do list differently, especially as I have got more ideas, and done even less work.
So first up what have I been doing since the last update Journal?
Well essentially I have been working. I managed to get a temporary contract with the same local company as I did last year, but unfortunately I did manage to lose it again (Ironically enough in the same week that Kentaro Miura's death came out, which is a real kick in the nuts as I am currently been obsessing over Berserk). It was a shame as the team I was working with was pretty great, but I unfortunately was unable to meet the company's standards. Such is life.
So now currently I am job hunting as well as doing temporary work. But I am also doing some courses. The first is a Digital Journaling course, which will give me a bit of time in my day to focus on being creative, and after this first session it has definitely given me even more ideas. Also I am doing another Security Related course, but that is not until July (and absolutely terrifying as I have to stay in London for a few days).
I have also set up a new account on DeviantArt, and it has already bared fruit, with my first "deviation" reaching an absolutely insane 4,000 odd views (which compared to its FA counterpart is fucking insane). Currently my latest upload on their is at 6,000 odd views. I am super pleased to see such results as I want nothing more than people consuming and enjoying my work.
But other than that, I am currently at a standstill. I am in desperate need of getting a permanent job, which strangely enough is in short supply ever since lock down has been easing in the UK. But I am also in a creative standstill, other than that Digital Journaling course, I haven't got much motivation to do stuff, which pisses me off because I want to do more art, but I must have some problem with myself that makes it super difficult to focus on drawing, and being creative, especially when I have other things on the horizon (like work everyday this week).
But I have got an idea of a means to be motivated to do work, and that is to open myself up for Commissions.
I have been thinking about doing it for quite a while, but after my Commission with GrayKobold I definitely feel more confident to do it. Especially as that Commission was a lotta fun to do in of itself and it didn't look too bad. I definitely feel like I am at a point where I am actually quite pleased with the look of my work. Which if you have been a follower of my work for a fair while, you know I haven't been too complimentary of myself.
But I have set up my Commission thingy on FA (Commission Info for Dynoddiprydain -- Fur Affinity [dot] net).
I am also planning on uploading my ToS and Price Lists on SoFurry, Inkbunny and DeviantArt as separate Journals, as I don't think those websites have a dedicated "Commission" section.
But I definitely feel quite excited to this Commissioning stuff. I also hope I have made it more affordable, because I know a lot of Artists make the prices insane (but then again they are at a highly professional standard, while I am still slowly getting to that point).
But let me know if any of you's are Interested, I am/I will be available to do commission fairly soon.
I am also planning to get on with other things. Like making a New Stellaris Galactic map for my Comic Series Idea.
I also can't thank you all enough for your support towards my work. Its super duperly apperciated.
-Posty Birb is being a bit poopy for some reason :(
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3 years, 9 months ago
08 Jun 2021 12:25 CEST