Hello, hello. Some of you have no doubt followed me from SoFurry, but, for those that have not, I am Silvador and I write naughty things. :3
With SoFurry no longer permitting cub/underage content, I will begin moving my written works that contain such content here, to InkBunny (and hope and pray IB doesn't some day move to ban it, too).
Many of the stories that will gradually be uploaded are old. As in, several years old. Some even as old as a decade. These will be marked as "Vault" stories.
If you're a new follower and wish to read some of my stories that are not cub/underage oriented, you can take a look at my SoFurry gallery https://silvador.sofurry.com/
Or, over on FurAffinity https://www.furaffinity.net/user/silvador/ you can peruse the numerous art pieces I've commissioned over the years. Or wince at the terrible "art" I occasionally attempt to draw, myself XD.