From now on I'll be using my own emotes. :3 Once I have a full spritesheet of them I'll upload it so you can see or use them too :3 Though Im lazy so I will probably reeeally take my time with it x3 Anyways, here's the first, so you have some idea of what they'll look like:
You can't use the IMG code on this site? Oh cruel world! D:
When you're uploading (or editing details on) an image there should be a box saying "Put into scraps" or something like that. When you do that, it's posted, but in a different part of your profile so stuff that's maybe too old or was just for-fun sketches can go there and keep your main gallery filled with your best work. =3
When you're uploading (or editing details on) an image there should be a box saying "Put into scraps