Okay, so i have been kinda gone and i have been kinda ignoring the cyber world for a while when it comes to my artwork and people wanting commissions from me.
Now it isnt because anyone was bad to me online, no infact loads of you have been very kind, understanding and all around great people to me.
i am just not really one who lets people in on my life as much as other people and so i may as well give a update on the situation i am currently dealing and have been dealing with for a while now of this year so here we go.
So at the begining of 2020 we moved from a place in virginia where we where struggling on the daily life and commute.
my wife would be on the road 2 hours back and fourth a day to get to her job and i was simply struggling with depression, the dmv as the one near us was being very transphobic of me as i had legal documentation of my name change from the courts as well as all the paperwork up to date stuff like my social security number etc.
the only reason they even clocked me was because i showed them my old I.d and from then they kinda just put me on this list and it was a pain in my fucking ass.
to this day i still dont have a id but now that we have moved and that i have obtained a job i can get one more easily, but i am skipping a lot of the story here.
So before our move from that place we had lost our pet bunny we had rescued, it hit us quite hard and so while we bumbled about to find a new home while depressed and honestly just living on pizza, we just where not our selves.
finally we contacted a friend who was gonna let us live in their townhouse with them and promised security for at least 3 years so we can get back on our feet so long as we abide by the set house rules we all agreed upon witch we did to a tee.
Now about half a year into it one of our other roommates had to leave to korea due to being deployed, witch was not bad, but once she left the landlord was a different color of nutty to such a extent that one night after leaving a pot from cooking everyone dinner that night a huge dinner, we where all tired and stuffed and so we left the pot there for a night, nothing smelly nothing over the top.
we come down the next night to a mandatory "house meeting"
Now, to give you a example of this landlord and her personality i'll say this.
every single day she would come down to the kitchen and scrub at a spot that was not even dirty like someone with massive OCD, but funny enough her room is a mess and she never cleaned.
she once told us that "i dont help cleaning meals that someone else cooked for me, its just not what i do"
Also i have never seen this happen to someone but if a tv is on and it catches her eye, no matter how loud to call her, she wont avert her gaze or get out of this moth like zone to light.
she also has a very weird thing where she wants to be a leader all the time.
if you have any girl come over her first thing said to them before even saying hi or their name is "are you lesbian"
because she has predatory tendencies', if you think you know someone who is a thirsty mother fluffer then yeah up that by 20x.
she never took covid seriously to such a extent she wanted to have orgys parties of 20 or more people in the house and when we told her we dont feel its safe, it literally took her bitching to a friend about us and how we felt about covid and peoples safty to a friend of hers and EVEN HER FRIEND, who no longer is her friend because of that convo of her telling her she is being selfish and a risk.
it got so bad in the house we where all whispering more than normal volume talking because she would leave her door open to eavesdrop convo's from downstair's.
So what does this all bottle down to, well that dinner i made and that pot left out was just to much of "Us being bad people" and so we had a mandatory meeting on the couch.
we listened and after being belittled over and over we finally said enough was enough and said
"look, we have been following your order's for half a year now, we do clean we do make this place feel like a home, so much so that even you who has boxes on the third floor since you bought this place have not been unpacked, we dont know why you are extremely fixated on the kitchen when you know it get's cleaned but we cant keep up with your selective OCD.
if you help us clean after dinners that you partake in then this can resolve your issues with the pots not being cleaned but we get tired from working just like you and we just forgot."
she does not like people standing up for themselves in this house, we never cursed or called her names we just stated a literal point of how we abide by her rules to a tee and this one time we just forgot a night but in the morning we where going to clean and scrub the whole kitchen.
after that she told us flat out we have 2 weeks to find a place to live and move out, this was during the big boom of covid, she was going to give us only 2 days but yeah not legal....but then again she was renting out a space where she had no permission from her HOA as well as no business license.
Not only this but she was also then Caught by neighbor's talking about our personal buisness and whats going down and gloating about having us kicked out, witch funny enough those same neighbors told me who i would talk to all the time and had good standing with them.
None of the neighbors liked her, they thought she was bossy, a spaz as well as a predator since like i said if you are a girl she tries going after you to get you in bed, not a relationship she wants a nut and done.
well after talking with her and telling her off about how illegal she is being, finding out she had no license etc as well as talking to other's around the neighborhood about us, i might go and sue her ass once the courts open up again.
this put her in fear real quick and her mood really changed as in the house, everyone talks to me, because i dont want anything off of anyone, i have nothing to gain and i kinda come off as derpy and carefree until you push me to far.
well later on after packing and i guess getting the fear of being alone in that big ass house she decided to let us stay.
but also we all had another house meeting and we all said our apologies and such, but jesus was it to late also.
the bridge she burned, making my wife cry and also saying at the ending of that house meeting "i hope we can still remain friends"
Noone in that house liked her, not me, not my wife not even our new roommate jess.
Okay so a 2 month's go by, the house is in total anger, no one wants to talk with her or hang out with her.
Now we took the first step to try and mend this bridge, we didnt go around trashing the house, leaving crude notes etc.
Nah we didnt want to leave this like this, so we had cook outs etc and she was excited for them.
well, we asked her ((hey since we are supplying the steaks, hotdogs, burgers, drinks, cook ware, the grill, can you find us a cheap table so we can set it up on the terrace so we can all hang and have a good time.
well her reply "i dont wanna buy a table, why should i get one?"
so...we bought the table too for 35$
so the bill for all of this was around 300 or so dollars with food chairs table grill etc.
we still allowed her to come and hang out, well she invites a few of her friends over....we let them come up and have food and such.
she takes credit for it when she thought she was alone for a moment and like anything if you are a girl she is trying to get in your pants.
her so called friend who was in town didnt even let her know she was in town and when i got to talk with her privatly she just said "i didnt tell her cause well, she tends to be a bit to pushy"
and i totally got that cause when they where talking she told her she just lost her virginity recently to her new boyfriend and once our landlord heard that the tone and shift changed dramatically and she pretty much ignored her "friend"
Now us, we congratulated her cause well she is tran's and lost that v-card and well, hey, if you're happy we think its steallar.
So the cookout ends.... we have a few more and each one she joined regardless of how we all felt, we took many a blow's trying to mend this bridge with her that she started and lit up like the fourth of july.
So november rolls around, it's nearing turkey day, she buys nothing for the dinner we are setting up to have for everyone to join, not so much as a can of cranberry sauce and that is when she drops a bomb a few days prior to turkey day.
"I am gonna sell the house soon, yall gonna have until january 1st."
So instead of celebrating turkey day or christmas it's gonna be, me, my wife, and jess seeking out a new place to live because miss "i am gonna sell my house but you know only sell it 6 months from january need's us out during the most busy holidays while this new plague is going on."
fuck it me and my wife decided we will settle our roots some place and sell our soul to the bank for 30 years on a house if we can find one in our price range.....we did and we found a lovely little ranch house.
so we start packing, it's 2 or more hours up and down each trip give or take traffic.
we dont stop going full gear because we said "fuck it we dont wanna have christmas with her lets move and be out by the 1st of december"
shit goes down we get a lot done, but during this time that same landlord also want's to speed up thing's....bitch hasent even started moving her shit.
now on a logical mindset wouldnt you personally want to move all your shit out of the house you intend on selling and then have repair people come in so they dont get in the way have to move your shit to get to spots need fixing etc?
i know i would, but no that isnt her.
so during us busting our ass day and night, taking time off work, depleting in funds cause new house and no time to sit and work, she want's to keep barking orders...
so now with no fear of being kicked out, no filter for on my soul anymore i finally laid in on her.
"you know, i hope you remain alone, i hope you never seek a partner because you dont make a home, you use people like slaves to get what you want out of it with no work from your side, thats why our roommate from korea left you and wont come back.
i hope now that you are 40 and still alone remain this way because you dont seem to want to change and why should you right?
i would say go fall into a volcano but knowing you, you would freeze the damn thing.
we tried being a family....you shat on it day in and out, enjoy having this house and the next one being nothing but a cave you troglodyte predatory piece of human filth.
i don't wish you harm, i wish you solitary confinement in your own mind because since we started moving, you have been starving for attention blowing up our group chat wanting human contact and since we have not been letting you have it you have been reaching.
your friend's are literally batting for us at this point when it should be the other way around and funny enough you still dont see it, even the neighbor's are batting for us and giving us praise.
you talked to me alot so i know you personally like a therapist and your whole fear of people using you to get what they wanted has not been our goal and the fact that we have shown it time and time again screams volume's how you are no different from the same family member's you would cry and bitch to me early morning discussions.
not once did you help pay for dinner's we made, not once did you help with setting up a home like you wanted here.
you remember your birthday party, the one my wife cooked you a cake, we set up a zoom call for your friends who could not make it due to covid on the big screen and even played camera women for?
the friend we had come over so long as they where not sick...?
yeah, we never asked or required that same kinda treatment because we did what we did out the of the kindness of our hearts for you.
you may think i am sounding ungrateful for you letting us have a roof over our head for the time we had here, but i am grateful for it, i never once spat on your hospitality but instead only tried to help build a good sounding relationship among us as friend's and each and every fucking time i did you spat on my attempt's like they where piles of dog shit as you raised your nose to me like you where better than anyone in the house.
hell even during this move we have stated we wish to make sure any holes or damage we have left from walled photo's or mounted tv's be repaired and cleaned and we have done that because we dont wanna use you, even with so much hate we have toward you now....imagine that, we still have empathy and moral's.....
have a good one...this is the last thing we do for you and once we are gone we are not talking again."
So there yall go, a super long explanation of the year that i have been dealing with, and this isnt even scratching a bit of the surface, so thank you all for the lovely support, the patience and just the kind word's on here, twitter or my furafinity account, it means load's to me and helps me get up in the morning.
we are finally in our new home, while it is bare bones and lacks furniture and a good working space it is now our's and we love it and i hope down the road soon i can continue to make lovely things for you all to have, enjoy or even fap too.
Lizzy Koopa