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You need some drama?

Lets talk about two people since Inkbunny support tells me it is perfectly ok to make "call out posts".

Norithics, the self described hebephile (like a pedo, only worse) that claims he has schizo paranoia. Really, he's just an asshole. Being a confrontational dickhead that lurks online dropping personal info isn't what ANY paranoid schizo does. It is an insult to people that suffer with this very serious mental illness.

Really stupid to go bragging you are attracted to children and post blog posts about "owning up to your kink" while you also claim PATREON is your bread and butter. News flash, asshole, Patreon doesn't LIKE pedophiles. Enjoy losing that....

Doomcup? This dumbass kept saying I was his best friend at the same time wallowing in the cesspool that is Nori's discord server. I didn't even care. I knew doom was like that. All I asked is he never remind me Nori existed. It was an easy thing to do, right? Nope, not only did he tell me TWICE, but he had to let me know another friend of mine also hangs out in that child lover's server.

Doomcup... the idiot that fights hard when a site decides to ban lolicon/cub art, but also wants to ban all Nazis without a lick of irony. I got rid of all of them. I don't associate with child lovers. Not a single society on the planet allows that and the only reason people admit it is because of online anonymity. You admit that shit in real life and your life is over. Stop normalizing pedophilia! But Doom said he lost multiple friends? The "cornerstones" of his friend circle? Yeah, they dumped him after I dumped all of them. It was really too late for reconciliation, though. I have zero tolerance on any idiot that claims they are sexually attracted to children or tries to defend it.

There, now you know. No more "I don't want to talk about it" emo posts from people trying to get sympathy. You made your bed, now sleep in it. You are an adult, not some lame ass teenager.
Viewed: 18 times
Added: 4 years, 4 months ago
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