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​“So..” Holly said, breaking the silence that was
hanging over the kitchen before taking a meager sip of the coffee
she had hastily made to talk things over with her sister.
Heather didn’t say anything or make a response or
even acknowledge what her sister said. She just stared down at her
coffee cup. She hadn’t even had a drop yet, she just looked into
to, seeing her reflection on the black surface of the coffee. She
was in a bit of a shock since coming home 30 minutes earlier. After
arriving back home from a long trip, she walked in on one of the
most lewdest sights she had ever seen: her son, Jason, being fucked
by his friend while her niece was sucking him off…
She didn’t care about all of that, however it
embarrassing it might have been. What concerned her was seeing
Jason like that… all grown up and equipped with a cock no rabbit
should have. It confirmed something she had been worried about
since her son was born…
“I need to tell you something…” Heather said,
finally speaking and took a sip from her coffee, “Sam isn’t Jason’s
Holly’s ears perked, having a hard time believing
what she was hearing, though a bit glad to hear it as well. She
never did like Sam. He was the dull rabbit that Heather married
years ago and subsequently divorced after Heather found out about
an affair he was having with his secretary. It was a messy
relationship even before that and Holly had been badgering her
sister for years to leave him.
“Well… who’s the father then?” Holly asked
“There was a time… a year or so before Jason was
born when me and Sam had a ‘trial separation’, seeing if that would
help things out...” Heather said, stumbling over her words a bit.
She wanted to talk about it, but it was just hard to admit to.
“Anyway, after nights of just sitting at home not know what or who
Sam was up to, I decided to get out there myself and just try to
have some fun, you know?”
“That doesn’t sound like you at all…” Holly
“You’re right, it really wasn’t like me at all..”
Heather said with a weak chuckle, “I honestly wasn’t having that
good of a time for most of the night.... I was just sitting there
nursing a drink by my lonesome at the bar. Suddenly, out of
nowhere, a handsome stallion came up and asked my name. I told him
mine and he told me his: Derrick. We chatted, drank some more, and
then after a bit, had a really good time…. then he invited me back
to his place. I said yes and we got a ride to the motel he was
staying at…”
“THAT doesn’t sound like you at all, either!” Holly
said, a bit surprised her almost puritanical sister was talking
about a one night stand with a guy she just met! But she did want
to hear more… “How drunk were you?”
“It wasn’t the alcohol… I hardly drank anything
that night other than a gin and tonic or two.” she said, and smiled
slyly to herself, “It was all him... It was all Derrick… he just
had a way about him that made me want to do whatever he asked...
and, mmmmph…” She bit her lower lip, “He was just so damn sexy...a
huge stud built like a freight train... but at the same time, was
as gentle as a dove.”
“Hung like a stallion too, right?” Holly asked with
her how sly smile. “Ohhh yesss….” Heather said, blushing as she
thought about it, “Biggest I’ve ever seen… though I’ve never been
much of a ‘size queen’ or whatever...least not the way YOU
​“And you saw what you’ve been missing, right?”
Holly smirked at her sister and took another sip of coffee
“I think…” Heather said, rubbing her legs together,
“I think if a dick like that didn’t belong to Derrick, I would’ve
ran the other way… it was just TOO big! But when I got my first
glance of it… I just couldn’t help myself... I wanted to please
every last inch of him, including that massive cock.”
Heater put her cup down. “Then there was his
‘scent’ or musk…” she paused, lost in thought for a moment, “He
just smelled… I can’t find the right words for it... ‘enticing’
maybe? He just smelled so masculine… so virile, and I couldn’t get
enough of it.”
“So you fell in love with this big hunk that ended
up knocking you up?” Holly said, sipping her cup
“Lust, not love… well… at least not at first…”
Heather replied, “It was just sex….. Really...really good sex.

“I’m going to need some more details. “ Holly said
with a smile, “Don’t skimp out on anything!”
Heather giggled as the big studly stallion behind
her kissed at her neck, his big hands exploring her body, all the
while she tried to unlock the door to the hotel room. “Mmm… come
on…!” she said with a giggle, “Let’s get inside and get this show
started.” “We could just fuck right here…” Derrick said, his deep
voice rumbling through his chest. He picked up Heather, lifting her
up by the hips using his big powerful hands. He pushed her up
against the wall next to the door. Her legs wrapped around the
stallions sturdy waist, squeezing his midsection tightly as she
looked up at the stud.
Heather bit her lip, wiggling her hips against the
massive stallion. “Mmmph…n-not yet…” she said, her hand rubbing
against his chest, feeling those powerful muscles under his button
up shirt. “If you’re as big as you look, it’s going to take at
least a few walls to keep me from letting the whole town know what
we’re up too...”
“What so wrong about that?” he asked with a smirk,
leaning in to give her a kiss, his broad tongue slipping into her
mouth. He pulled away after a few moments, Heather left panting
hotly as he held her, “Hell, we can put on a nice show for
everybody to see out here~”
Heather blushed, looking flustered. She couldn’t
believe herself, but she was actually considering it! She wanted
this stud to fuck her as soon as possible, even if that meant
fucking right out in the open!
But she managed to control herself a little bit,
they were right outside their room anyway. It would just be be a
little longer.
“I-I think… I’d rather have something soft under me
if you’re going to fuck me as hard as I think you are…”Heather
said, smirking herself, “And I’ll make sure you DO fuck me as hard
as I think you will, or maybe even harder… Plus I’d like to see if
we can break that bed in there together~”
​Derrick laughed, “I like the way you think, Lil
Bun~” he said, carrying her into the motel room and putting her
down on the bed before shutting the door behind him. She bounced a
bit to feel out the bed. It was your standard cheap motel bed,
springy and definitely not going to survive the night.
Heather looked at the stud before her, standing
tall above her. She caught his gaze as he looked down at her, the
pair exchanging a grin. He undid his tie and threw it across the
room before doing the same with his belt. He moved his hands
towards his pants, ready to open them up for Heather, but
“Hmm…want to open it for yourself?” he smirked down
at Heather and offered his bulging pants for her, standing at just
the right height with her sitting on the bed, her head almost level
with that large bulge.
Heather blushed and smiled up at the stallion.
“It’s like opening a present on Christmas day~” She admired his
bulge for a few moments before moving her hands to feel it through
the fabric of his pants, cupping and squeezing it. She was dying to
see it in the flesh, without all pesky pants or underwear in the
She unbuttoned his pants and then slowly tugged
down the zipper, his bulge seemed to find its way out bit by bit as
she tugged the zipper down. She let his pants fall to his ankles
and was left almost eye to eye with the the stallion’s much too
stuffed underwear as she sat upright on the bed. His musk hit her
nose and practically made her melt where she sat. She had
definitely soaked through her panties completely by this point. She
was dazed for a moment by that wave of musk and pheromones rushing
over her, but got back to the matter at hand after a momentary
pause. She grabbed the hem of his underwear and started to pull it
down to free his cock. She kept pulling and pulling for what seemed
like ages, each tug expecting to run out of cock still covered, but
with every tug he seemed to have more inches to hide! She had to
get his underwear almost down to his knees to free that monster
cock, which sprang up and hit her on the chin with a lewd smack,
making her bounce back in surprise.
Derrick looked a bit concerned for a moment as
Heather rubbed her chin, a splash of pre had hit her when his cock
whacked against her. Heather had her fingers soaked with pre as she
cleaned it off her chin. Out of curiosity, she licked her fingers
to give what little pre had covered her chin, surprising herself.
She usually didn’t like the taste of anything that came out of a
man’s cock, but she was so eager to taste Derrick when she licked
the pre from her fingers. She couldn’t believe how GOOD it was! It
wasn’t exactly ‘tasty’, but something about it made her want more
of it, or maybe ALL of it!
Derrick could see that hungry look in her eyes and
his concern over her chin faded, “Want more?” He asked, stroking
his cock, pre drooling liberally from the tip now.
Heather nodded with a blush and a smile before she
practically attacked his cock. Her hands grasped around his thick
length, her fingertips just barely able to meet when she squeezed
it with both paws. Her hands stroked his length, trying to
calculate in her head just how long his cock might be. Way longer
than a foot for sure, much closer to two! While her head was trying
to figure out how big his cock was, her mouth was focused on the
tip of it, lapping up that thick and copious pre that leaked like a
broken tap, trying her best to fit the big bulbous head into her
​She wished she was better at this… she thought to
herself that even her sister, who was a huge cockslut for big studs
like this -(“Hey! I’m not that big of a slut… I just like big cocks
is all!” Holly interjected while Heather was telling the story)
would have trouble handling a cock this size. So she tried her
best, and it seemed like it was enough for the studly horse, who
was clearly enjoying himself. Derrick was holding her hair back
with a big hand, keeping her head steady as she did her best to
suck him off.
With some difficulty, she managed to get the head
of his cock into her mouth and started to bob up and down a few
inches at a time. Not only did his pre taste good, so did his cock!
Part of her couldn’t quite put her finger on why it tasted so good.
The taste was urging her on even more, her lust for the stallion
growing with every passing second, wishing she could taste every
inch of him, no matter how hard that might be given his size.
More pre shot towards the back of her throat and
she eagerly swallowed it down. She wasn’t used to dealing with this
much precum, though, and was struggling a bit to swallow it all,
plenty of it leaking out from her lips and making a mess. Each shot
of pre that Derrick launched into her mouth was more voluminous
than a whole series of orgasms that Sam or other boyfriends she had
had before him, so it was no wonder she was having trouble. But she
was loving it: the amount, the taste, the hot feeling of it flowing
into her belly. She hungered for more and couldn’t wait to see what
the ‘main event’ was going to look like.
Heather just then realized she had forgotten
something… she was so entranced by Derrick’s huge cock that she
completely forgot about his balls! Their mammoth proportions made
their presence known, though, radiating such intense heat that they
were making the cold room a bit toasty. Each ball was easily the
size of a melon and both were hanging heavily in a thick, leathery
sack. The musk coming from them was almost palpable, Heather
practically being able to taste his powerful virility in her mouth.
Her paws gravitated towards them. Heather sized them up a bit with
her paws, rubbing and squeezing the hefty orbs, one in each paw.
They were heavy, heavy enough that she had trouble lifting one up
with just one paw. She knew they were swollen full of seed Derrick
was ready to give her. And she wanted every last drop...
For a moment, the word ‘condom’ meekly floated
through her mind but it quickly disappeared, completely
overshadowed by the word ‘HUGE HORSE COCK’ that had become her main
focus of the night. The forgotten thought of a condom drifted away
as Heather’s mind focused on figuring a way to fit every last inch
of Derrick’s cock into her.
As if he could read her mind, Derrick started to
make a move. He pulled her away from his cock gently, making
Heather pout a bit playfully before he grabbed her and moved her
onto the bed. He placed her on her back and moved his way between
her thighs, getting on top of her. He pushed his muzzle forward and
kissed her, just as passionate as before. While their lips were
locked together in a lustful embrace, Heather’s hands exploring his
chest, Derrick’s big hands was yanking down her skirt and panties,
pulling them off her legs until she as naked from the waist down.
Heather was focused more on his lips and his powerful tongue that
was invading her mouth. His hand then drifted between her soft
thighs, feeling her drenched pussy as he slipped a finger, then two
past her glistening lips. She moaned into his mouth, not wanting to
break the kiss. Her arms wrapped around his powerful neck for
support, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist even as
they shook from pleasure.
​He pulled his fingers back and grasped his thick
cock, guiding it towards Heather’s dripping cunt, already starting
to soak the bed underneath her with her overflowing juices. He
pressed the hot tip against her netherlips, the feeling of it
making Heather let out a sultry moan, grasping the stallion ever
harder, already shaking with a mixture of pleasure, excitement and
a just a hint of fear over thoughts of what a cock like that could
do to her .
Derrick chuckled, “You sure you’re ready for this?”
he asked , looking down at her with seductive eyes as he held
himself above her on the bed.
“Fuck me…” she said to him as she bit her lower
lip, “Please…”
Derrick grinned and obliged, sinking the first few
inches of his thick cock into her. The bunny’s pussy wrapped around
the mammoth girth of the stallions cock, stretching to its limits
as he pressed his way inside her. Heather moaned, and moaned
loudly, practically shaking the walls as she came immediately as
his cock found its way inside her. Her arms were wrapped around
Derrick and her fingers dug into his back. Her legs were shaking as
they squeezed around his waist while her pussy gripped what little
of his cock was already inside her.
Derrick chuckled, “That was quick.” He said, giving
the rabbit another kiss, “Ain’t going to be your last one for the
night, I’ll make sure of that~” he whispered to her, “Let me know
when you’re ready for more.”
Heather said nothing, but made her thoughts on the
matter clear when she grabbed onto the stallion firmly and
maneuvered her hips to take several more inches of the stud’s cock,
biting her lip to stifle another sultry moan.
Derrick let out a deep moan himself, rumbling
through his chest as he was momentarily caught off guard by the
rabbit’s sudden move. “Mmm… I think I might be in love~” he said as
he trapped her lips in another kiss. One hand moved to cup and
squeeze one of her breasts. Heather was not even big enough to be a
handful for him given how big his hands were, but enough for him to
enjoy and play with. His other hand gripped her hips to help keep
her in place as he pulled out half of his cock before thrusting
more inches of the monster back into her.
They built up a steady rhythm together, the bed
creaking, groaning, and straining underneath them as the two rutted
on top of the old mattress like rabbits in heat, or at least one of
them did. Heather had another orgasm not too long after the first
once Derrrick started to use most of his cock to fuck her. Then
another… and another! She stopped bothering to count after the 6th,
and was just focused on fucking the stallion as wildly as he was
fucking her.
Heather’s moans were loud and frequent, mixed in
with several lewd grunts, shouts of ‘FFFFFUCK!’ and sometimes even
‘HARDER’ which Derrick definitely did not miss, pounding into her
pussy with almost everything he had, fucking her into the bed as
the supports underneath started to give way.
With one final thrust, Derrick’s balls finally gave
up holding back their tide any longer and let loose a torrent of
seed through that monster cock. The stallions cock grew even
thicker to account for the heavy volume traveling through it. The
bed crashed underneath him with that last hard thrust, just as he
came. Hot and heavy bursts of seed quickly filled the rabbit’s
womb, swelling her belly with the sheer amount of spunk being
sprayed into her like a firehose.
Heather couldn’t believe how much he had to give,
and how hot it was as it filled her! Her belly continued to swell
til it couldn’t get any bigger, a lot of his cum now overflowing
out around his cock and onto the bed as he continued to thrust in
and out of her through his orgasm.
​Derrick pulled out after that and let the last few
shots of seed spray out all over Heather, giving her white fur a
sticky white sheen as several ropes of thick seed shot across her
body and muzzle. She licked up as much as she could in an orgasmic
daze, her brain practically fried from pleasure by this point as an
yet another orgasm continued to wrack her body, maybe from the cum
that Derrick shot into her, or maybe from the cum she was so
eagerly swallowing.
After a few more spurts from his throbbing cock,
the stallion’s orgasm was over. He wiped his brow and collapsed on
the bed next to Heather who was panting for breath.
“So…. much…” Was all Heather could say as the big
stallion grabbed her to cuddle up next to him on the bed. Derrick
chuckled and rubbed her back as she passed out from all that had
“...And then what?” asked Holly, having completely
forgotten her coffee at this point, listening very eagerly to the
story her sister told.
“Nothing… really…” Heather said with a sigh, “We
took a shower together to clean up the mess from last night, had a
quickie… cleaned up again after that… and then parted ways. He had
to catch a flight back home ”
“But you didn’t get his number or anything?”
“I did. There was a little snag, though... He was a
married man… wife, 4 kids with another on the way. He came clean to
me about it.”
Holly rolled her eyes and growled, “Pfft!
“It’s fine.” Heather said, “They… Derrick and his
wife, I mean… they have an understanding.”
“An ‘understanding’? Are you sure that’s not just
something he made up?” “Nope. I ended up meeting his wife… a few
times actually…” “...what?”
“I… I uhh… I h-have another confession to make…
Most of my ‘business trips’ have been basically meet-ups with
Derrick and his wife. The ‘understanding’ they had was Derrick was
too much of a horny bastard for one person to handle, so she was ok
with having some help with his... ‘urges’. Sometimes we would take
turns, sometimes we would share him, but mostly it was just a way
for me to enjoy having some more fun with Derrick. I get along well
enough with his wife, too, but I mostly just want more of him...
We’ve been doing it a lot more since they moved into town a year or
so ago.”
Holly didn’t know what to say. She had thought her
sister was a sexless prude for the longest time, so hearing that
Heather was having sex at all was a shock, let alone having sex
with a massive hung stud. “Ok…. but does he know about Jason?”
“I…” Heather looked at her sister and sighed before
shaking her head, “No. I wasn’t sure Jason was his. He didn’t look
like him at all, not that he ever looked like Sam either. Guess he
took after me in most ways.”
“Except one…” Holly said with a cocked eyebrow.
​“Yes… well…” she continued, “After hearing about
what you and Mary had been up to with Jason, plus seeing how he’s…
well… ‘grown up’... its pretty obvious that Derrick is his real
father. Unless Dad has been hiding a ‘huge dick’ gene.”
“Nope!” Holly said confidently
“Why do you know that!?”
“I was a curious young girl. Sometimes you see
things you’re not supposed to, etc. He’s pretty below average, I’m
surprised Mom has put up with him over all thes-” “ANYWAY” Heather
“Fine fine…” Holly chuckled and changed back to the
subject at hand, “So are you going to make him take repsonsibility
for Jason?”
Heather shook her head, “He deserves to know about
his son, but I don’t really want or need anything from him.” she
paused for a moment, “The only thing I want is to be his Mrs.
Derrick Logan, but I guess that’s just not meant to be.” she sighed
and looked away. She rubbed her chin, “Though maybe I can ask him
to talk to Jason about safe sex, he’s gotten better at that over
the years.”
“Already way ahead of you!”
Heather sighed, “...Great...” she grumbled, “Well…
I guess I should go talk to Jason. Is Theodore still here?”
“Nah, I think he left as soon as he could. The
whole situation must’ve freaked him out… I doubt Jason is taking it
too well either…haven’t heard a peep from his room for an hour
now...” “Guess I’ll go see how he’s holding up…”
Heather knocked on Jason’s bedroom door. After a
few moments of not hearing any response, she knocked again. Still:
no response. She decided to let herself in, it’s wasn’t as if she
was going to catch her son doing something embarrassing after what
had already happened earlier in the day.
Jason had gotten dressed and was on his bed, lying
on his back and staring up at the
“Jason…. We need to talk” Heather said in her most
parental voice. “If it’s about earlier…” Jason said, his gaze fixed
at the ceiling Heather stopped him, “No. I have some important to
tell you.” Jason looked at his mom and sat up attently.
“Your… father isn’t your real father…” She said and
took a big breath, “Your real father is a horse named Derrick
Logan. You don’t really look much like him, but I guess you started
taking after him once you hit puberty. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you
sooner, but I wasn’t sure of it myself until I saw… well… you
Jason blushed and looked away, “So… my real dad is
a horse… that would explain some things.” he rubbed his chin, “But
theres this… other thing that’s been going on recently with the
rest of my changes… People seem to be attracted to me. Like, it
seems like its more than just because I have a big dick or
whatever… between my teacher, this fox, Aunt Holly and Mary, some
cheerleaders, some other teachers, even Ted too. And then there was
Kurt….wait a second…”
​Heather put her face into her palm as Jason went
through his list “I was gone for three days…” she said mostly to
herself. Her little boy had grown up into a horny bastard….just
like his dad.
“What did you say my dad’s name was, again?”
Heather snapped back to reality, “Derrick Logan.
Why do you ask?” “I think his son goes to my school… he’s my
half-brother, I guess?” “That’s right. Wait… did you… with him as
Jason looked away and let out a nervous
Heather sighed. “I think you should meet your
father sooner rather than later. He might be able to give you some
tips on how to handle… well… I’m sure he’ll give you some good
tips.” Jason nodded, “I do have some questions for him that might
help me out.” “Its settled then! I’ll setup a get together with you
and him.”
Heather left Jason alone in his room to see that
Holly and Mary were listening in intently at the door.
“We were just…” Mary started, “...worried something
had gone wrong.” Heather shook her head, “Everything is fine. I’ll
take Jason to see his father soon.” Holly nodded, “I wanted to
ask…” she said, “Is it ok if we keep having fun with Jason?”
Heather was stunned for a second. “I can’t believe you’re asking me
this…” she said under her breath. But then she thought of Derrick.
Her lust for the stallion was more than just his handsome looks and
his sizeable package, it was something else...something primal.
Maybe whatever the stallion had that could make someone like her
feel that way, Jason must’ve had it as well. An addicting lust that
just grows as time goes by… She wasn’t surprised her sister and
niece fell for it. And if Jason was going to be like his dad, he
was going to need all the help he can get, and at least her family
could make sure he stays safe.
“Fine.” She said finally, “Just make sure you keep
practicing safe sex with him. If he is like his father… he’s going
to need to play as safe as possible if he doesn’t want to end up a
father himself…”
Holly nodded and Mary let out a little celebratory
giggle. They wasted no time and pushed their way into Jason’s
“Right now!?” Heather said, the two ignoring her as
they shut the door behind them. She huffed and shrugged.
Heather stood by the door as he could hear the two
practically pounce on Jason on the other side. She wondered why if
Jason WAS like his father she wasn’t affected by whatever strange
animal magnetism the two of them had. Perhaps, she thought, because
she was already addicted to Derrick, she couldn’t be affected by
someone else’s ‘magnetism’.
She moved her way to the living room to let them
have their fun with Jason in peace and started to come up with a
plan for Jason to meet his father. Maybe she could make a ‘business
trip’ out of it as well...​

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Added: 3 years, 11 months ago
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