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Just spreading visibility of this.

A detailed and accurate analysis pointing out exactly how and why IB Moderator action and interpretation of their roles runs directly counter to not just sense, but their own site philosophy, and one of the primary guiding principles during the site's creation. A principle that was WHY users were given unprecedented personal control over their own site experience - with an outright STATED intent of minimal moderator intervention.

The logic he presents is basically the explanation for why platforms become beholden to the whims of the noisiest complainers - especially when the platform's mods subjectively agree with the complainers, but obviously even when they don't.

Hopefully the more people can understand the logic presented here, the more there's some small chance of any of it eventually becoming basic operating principle for more people, and the trend of toxic people weaponizing mods will reduce.
Viewed: 3,463 times
Added: 4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
I’ve little to add other than wishing you good luck
4 years, 5 months ago
I'd prefer a site with no moderators. If I dont like a comment on my page I delete it. If it isn't on my page it's none of my damn business.
4 years, 5 months ago
It sounds like a great idea, until you end up on the cancel train because someone posts racist shit or CP in your comments or something.

Just like at what happened with 4chan, 8chan, or Voat. The mob is unable or unwilling to seperate your content from whatever else is posted, so you'll be lumped in right alongside everyone else.
4 years, 5 months ago
well I would delete it. Since I'm moderating my own page...
4 years, 5 months ago
The problem is, how soon will you see it? People who post illegal stuff often do so, then immediately run to the hosts, say, "Look! Illegal stuff!" and you're shut down before you can act.
4 years, 5 months ago
That's called a 'false flag'. If, say, someone posts something not allowed to your page, then tries to report you for it, it's up to the moderators to do their due diligence and find the source of the post. In this case the person who reported it in an attempt to get your page banned. This would fall under malicious reporting, something that should not be tolerated.

4 years, 5 months ago
Apparently faster than the moderators here lmao
4 years, 5 months ago
That's always the hypothetical that comes up when there's a question about enforced vs personal moderation. 'They'll just post CP and destroy your site'.

The problem with that counter-argument is it assumes there will be no moderation at all. But if everyone is responsible for their own moderation, then they are able to decide what is and isn't allowed to be posted on their page. And if they decide to allow something illegal on their page, THEN the staff gets involved. If the rules are strictly and clearly defined, it should be obvious what is and isn't allowed, and if there were penalties for false reports, you'd see people less eager to maliciously report content they should know is allowed by the rules.

It shouldn't be up to the opinions of a vocal minority or the opinions of moderators what is or isn't allowed on the site. It should be clearly outlined by the rules, with little if any room for interpretation.
4 years, 5 months ago
They very explicitly called for 'No Moderators'. So no, nobody would step in.

Additionally, I listed some practical examples of very hands-off moderation, and It's very easy to see what kind of reputation those sites have.
4 years, 5 months ago
I highly doubt there will ever be no amount of moderation, if simply to prevent a 'mob rule' situation.
The issue at hand is the ease at which people can not only push their own personal responsibility for what they view off onto the moderation staff, but also how easily they can use said moderation staff to dictate what others are allowed to view.

As for 4chan, 8chan, etc, how long does CP stay up on those sites when it's posted, hmm? In my experience it's not very long. The reputation these sites have has more to do with the general public finding the majority of the content posted objectionable, and when that's the case people exaggerate. Sites with anime porn of all sorts often get hit with the 'child porn' label regardless of if such content has ever been posted there.

For that matter, like it or not, InkBunny already has that sort of reputation in the furry community. There are unfortunately a lot of people who consider it just a site for cub porn, even though it's not the largest tag on the site. Reputations often have more to do with opinions and less to do with reality.
4 years, 5 months ago
Mucho texto
4 years, 5 months ago
I don't want throw anyone under the bus, but having spoken with a mod I got the distinct impression that they... Just can't be bothered to really do anything. And the reason reporting just about anything is basically a hidden feature you wouldn't know about unless you asked (you have to submit a ticket)... Is because they already have more reported content that they can deal with and there would be an increase in false reports? Which... All seems bad to me.

And this person's reasoning was that they don't get paid to mod and they only have so much free time they feel like dedicating to moderating... Which obviously begs the question, why are you a moderator?

Ugh, I feel dirty typing that, even not naming names because they seem like a nice person, but I feel like I'm watching a building burn down and our doggo InkBunny is just sitting there saying, "this is fine."

Like, just search for writing documents with the word "human" and you'll find a ton of smutty stories that blatantly go against their rules for human related content. They're Johnny on the spot with images, but writing is a-ok apparently.
4 years, 5 months ago
i honestly doubt any of the mods around here care to read any of the stories that get posted and only respond when/if enough people report them
4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
I hope this doesn't become a huge thing if only because there's already zero alternative gallery sites people want to use. Not enough people went to Pillowfort, FurryLife Online had a solid stumble. Inkbunny's arguably the best site in terms of features. I don't want everyone just going to Twitter.
4 years, 5 months ago
if you don't want it there are categories and blacklists, i never understand the fuss of "i don't like it therefore it must be expunged" just grow up and let others have their kink, my belief is that legally nothing entirely fictional should ever be censored or banned from anywhere, not only on the freedom of speech and expression but on the preparedness for ideas, in that if something doesn't make sense show it to as many people who can rip it apart as possible.
why me, why did you write all this
4 years, 5 months ago
still posting like a 16 year old newsgroup debater lol please for once just go outside dude your decades of seclusion have turned you into a weirdo
4 years, 5 months ago
>telling people to go outside during covid
3 years, 8 months ago
People get like that when they get too old. Boomers like to rant on about a lot of meaningless bullshit when all they have to do is just shut their mouth and go away and ignore it.  They always think life and society owes them something when they don't do anything at all. They post stuff like this to try and find "yes men" that will blindly agree with all their ranting manifestos so they can have someone to enable them to post more of their paranoid insane delusions.  They need therapy.
4 years, 5 months ago
Bluefeet begging is the best, if you can get away with it.
4 years, 5 months ago
I bet asking a real 14yo if they've ever given a footjob before is a great thing too, if you can get away with it.
1 year, 2 months ago
Maybe ~you~ won't block me or silence me for posting this (like a certain other uppity narcissist).

Alright, so back in the days (and WB, you are O.G. so you are old enough to remember this too) -- there was this website called "F-Chan" (not to be confused with 4chan, that's the bad -Chan, STAY AWAY FROM THAT ONE). F-Fchan, for a while -- was a really nice place! Everyone shared artwork there and there was very little drama - UNTIL the original mod stepped down and some new person came into power....

The New Mod of F-Chan decided to force their own Personal Morals onto the denizens of the website. F-Chan was going to "Ban Cub" for the greater good of the Furry Fandom. But HOW exactly does someone do such a thing when "Cub" is hard to define? It's art, it's visual. We can't just simply Card The Cartoon characters like they're 711 customers trying to buy Beer & Cigarettes, now can we?

If you put a drawing of a character in front of me and ask "How old is that character?" I don't know the answer to that question unless it is outright specified. And to be quite honest, I am not going over Cartoons with a magnifying glass and a fine-tooth comb, trying to figure out everything I can to determine whether or not the artwork is "Problematic."

Anyway, back on topic (sorry, my ADHD took over). F-Chan realized that certain characters had a Cuteness Level Over 9000 and they were just too powerful to defeat, so F-Chan tried making the "Toon" board as a compromise. This was a place where people could post certain "Bread N' Butter characters" and any other stuff that was hard to identify as "Cub."

This "Toon Board" solution worked for a while, but F-Chan eventually sunk to the bottom of the Internet Ocean and people started to look for Life Boats to carry them elsewhere. FurAffinity looked like a pretty good Life Boat. Dragoneer seemed like a pretty rational, sane logical - Pro Artistic Freedom / Anti-Censorship kinda dude. Until he himself started sucking down the Anti-Cub Kool-Aid by the barrel. Dude went from "It's not my job to push my own morality onto the Artist or the Art Fans" to "If you draw a Short Pokemon, you've basically created CSEM."

This radical shift in beliefs is ironic and amusing when you find out that Dragoneer had art of his "Preyfar" purple hyena character in the Softpaw Magazines (the very same Softpaw Magazines where I first read "Oh Brother!" btw). So it's one of those "Glass House, Don't Throw Rocks" type of things to me... I'm not hating on the guy, it's just that his attitude shifted to something completely the reverse of what he used to believe in.

So yeah, people trying to flee to a Better Boat started to find that their new boat was quickly taking on water and gradually sinking, just like the last boat before it... so they set their sights on the next boat to climb onto, E621. So far, E621 hasn't sunk to the depths yet. But no ship is invincible, even the RMS Titanic which was thought to be Unsinkable, still sank....

Inkbunny is still afloat (obviously -- cuz we're still on it) but how long she'll be able stay above water remains to be seen, she could tumble and sink just like the Edmund Fitzgerald (remember that song WB? Gordon Lightfoot?) and then we'll be stuck looking for another ship to climb aboard. And eventually we're gunna run out of ships!

1 year, 2 months ago
🎶When suppertime came, the old cook came on deck sayin'
"Fellas, it's too rough to feed ya"
At seven PM, a main hatchway caved in, he said
"Fellas, it's been good to know ya"
The captain wired in he had water comin' in
And the good ship and crew was in peril
And later that night when his lights went outta sight
Came the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald!🎶

4 months, 3 weeks ago
"So far, E621 hasn't sunk to the depths yet." Guess that aged poorly lol
7 months, 1 week ago
I was active on pixiv until predators kept commenting on my shit with their session and wickr
7 months, 1 week ago
I wanna see the real- fuck off you abhorrent waste of human life
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