So I decided about the end of last month that I should start doing all of the requests I've been ignoring that's been on the comments of that For Requests journal I have.
So far I've done about 11 of these, and I'm still not done yet.
I'm gonna be posting each request that I have done once every day starting today in username alphabetical order.
If you don't see your request in during this period, then either I didn't like your request and ignored it, or I just simply haven't gotten around to it. I still have about 8 requests left, and that's ONLY the ones I've actually screengrabbed and am willing to do. Still a few stragglers here and there.
So yeah, just want to give y'all a headsup for the next several days.
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4 years, 5 months ago
27 Aug 2020 20:34 CEST