first of all, i wanna apologize to all those i still owe commissions to
PLEASE contact me and remind me what i still owe, i literally have no idea anymore
i've been here and there and all over the place, health-wise as well as physically, work has been demanding, i spent literal weeks on sewing a present for my mom's birthday (which i loved doing, but it still ate a lot of time)
in between all of this, i've neglected pretty much all of my online stuff
my grandmother died a few days ago, and i seem to have gone completely numb/uncaring over it (which i'm worried over, but will see my therapist about), we adopted a new cat (she's almost 4 and came with a surprise package of (thankfully not-deadly) health issues which we're now working on fixing (no way in hell i'mma give her back, she's ours now and we'll love her and spoil her rotten on high-quality food and good vet care)
i'm about to go to a year-long weight-loss program (hopefully starting january, but starting to prep now, paperwork and stuff)
overall, things just've been chaotic, but i hope i'll be able to come back and at LEAST finish open commissions <3
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4 years, 6 months ago
25 Aug 2020 09:28 CEST