Yeah, I have the plan that the digital version sells too. However, I am still lost on the how. :0 Asked to pay the price to convey what you want to buy me, and I Will Smart is the best way to send e-mail a digital version opponent After reviewing the money, I suppose.
Yeah, I have the plan that the digital version sells too. However, I am still lost on the how. :0 As
If you buy it, thank you. I am glad if I have you satisfy with contents. I think that I am easy to buy it if the shipment rate is a little lower. The shipment rate from Japan is too high. Give me PM, if you expect the purchase by the data sale.
あなたが買ってくれるなら、ありがとう。内容に満足してもらえたら、嬉しいのだけど。 もう少し発送料金が安いと買いやすいのに、と私は思います。日本からの発送料金は高いですよね。 If you buy i