well its been a while but well i decided to give it a go.
i'll be attending college this june i hope. its going to be a pain lol but well i want a better job so i decided to go for it.
i'll be doing 3d programming and design. i'll be working to pay off any debts i end up with. its a 4 your course and its going to take all i got to do this.
to those of you i call friends im sorry if i have not been on much truly its just been a bit hard getting all this ready. lots of paper work and applying for scholarships. my hand has never hurt as much as it does. but i know it will be worth it in the end.
i'll be on ever so often i promise. to catch up and to make sure your all doing well.
i wish u all the best and i hope that you all know im not leaving lol.
just going to be busy. is all ^^
but i will make time to be on here. i promise
bye for now guys and take care always.
oh im attending Virginia tech in Huntsville Alabama
as im from the south. though i dont wana be XD lol.
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12 years, 10 months ago
19 May 2012 03:50 CEST