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Vulkri Species, Society, and Military

Vulkri Species, Society, and Military
Written By: Tialdo ‘Stryker’ O’Neill, Renegade Program Multi-Role Commander.

(Constructive comments Welcome)

    Full Rough Draft 3



Vulkri as a species largely take on the visual graces of Anthropomorphic Terran Foxes. Standing typically around six feet tall for males and five feet, six inches for females. Males weigh 180 lbs and Females weigh 145 on average when healthy and athletic. Male and female specimens of Vulkri both display tri-color patterns in their fur, with females having a ratio of 40/40/20 with the colors and males a ratio averaging 45/45/10. Exceptions to this fur pattern exist, typically in desert and tundra variants. Vulkri fur patterns are natural, meant to blend in with natural features in the wild. Vulkri do not naturally possess any neon or candy colored patterns in their fur. Invariably, the Vulkri possess digi-grade legs and lengthened ‘ankles’.

Species Subtypes

Most subspecies of Vulkri differ very little from each other, varying primarily in fur colors and eye color. However, the type of fur varies based on primary archetypes within each Vulkri’s genes. The most notable subspecies variants however are those adapted to the desert sands and snowy tundras; the ‘Fennec’ subspecies of Vulkri are known to be of slightly shorter stature, and their ears larger, more sensitive to sound. Arctic subspecies are known to have a much higher metabolism, and natural chemicals in the bloodstream that prevent freezing of the body. Another subspecies of Vulkri is known as the ‘Breeder’ subset. Breeder Vulkri males stand around eight feet tall, and naturally lean towards moderate olympian body archetypes, while females stand about seven feet and are extremely fertile and voluptuous.

Nervous System

The Vulkri species nervous system is fairly standard with most species found in existence. Utilizing a Consolidated brain that houses memory, instinct, autonomous and manual functions, consciousness, and other items. Extending from this brain is a spinal cord, typically about half an inch thick to three quarters of an inch. Depending on which subspecies of Vulkri one is observing. Biologically the Vulkri possess on average between 1000 samples of various Vulkri, most species possess about three billion nerve endings throughout the body, while the Breeder subspecies possess about four and a half billion nerve endings. This is a third and over double the average human being, respectively.

Digestive System

Vulkri specimens display a fairly standard and robust digestive system. Consisting of the expected stomach, spleen, pancreas, liver, small and large intestines. Due to natural bioluminescence in Vulkri soft tissue, little nutrition becomes waste, with Vulkri usually not having use of a standard toilet often. As one may expect, the stomach fills with an acid and relies upon the Vulkri’s activities to help with digestion and stirring of food content. The spleen releases a base chemical that negates the acid before the digested meal is then sent into the intestines for nutrient absorption. Typically due to the Vulkri’s inherent bioluminescence most of these nutrients are also used, making it difficult for the average Vulkri to pack on weight.

Cardiovascular system

The Vulkri heart consists of four chambers that beat in time to a clockwise pattern. It is capable of sustained aerobic exercise and is resistant to disruptive electrical shocks. This resistance however also means that an AED may not be as effective as one may hope. Resting heart rate is 65 with healthy exercise topping at 122. The blood of a Vulkri is Iron based and utilizes oxygen to provide the body with its catalyst for bodily functions. The blood takes a purplish/red coloration when oxygenated.

Immune System

Vulkri possess an unusually aggressive immune system. Incredibly resolute and effective, the immune system of a Vulkri is known to steadily cure and defeat what may otherwise be an incurable disease for other species. This immune system however requires suppression when working with biologically enhancing one's body, as the responding cells will destroy foreign material that is inserted without suppression. The level of the immune response has made diseases that would be permanent for humans, such as HIV, Lyme Disease, Etc. to last maybe a week inside a Vulkri body. Such a level of immunity has made many Vulkri rather carefree in sexual practices, as diseases caught do not last.

Reproductive systems

Vulkri reproductive organs show signs of exceptional, if not excessive elasticity between both genders, extremely positive reactions and receptiveness to stimulation, and an unusually high cross species (Vulkri x Non-Vulkri) reproduction compatibility. The Vulkri cervix is also extremely pliant, typically allowing male lengths to push into the womb to allow more direct insemination. Males and Females possess Rut and Heat cycles, periods in which reproductive hormones and pheromones increase drastically and can cause debilitating bouts of constant arousal. Females will typically smell sweet, almost candy-like, while males will smell of smoking firewood or a musty log. Females among Vulkri have a predisposition to larger partners, while Males prefer more balanced partners. Due to this, females typically will have athletic but generously distributed builds, while males usually will exceed well over 8 inches in phallic length. Males possess a canid shaft archetype with a taped tip, thick shaft, and a large knot at the base, followed by a small root shaft behind it. Females possess a remarkably humanoid Vulva and Labia, and will bear litters of three on average.


Vulkri biology possesses one rare and very obvious trait that is their glowing tissues. Invariably, all Vulkri possess glowing tissues with no observable pattern or archetype between even direct descendents. A vulkri with Blue glow and a Vulkri with red glow have zero effect on their offspring's glow. Typically however, the glowing colors are of the three primary and three secondary colors. Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, and Orange. Variations or different shades of these glows are uncommon, but not rare. On vulkri, the visible soft tissues that show the glow are the tongue and inner mouth, inner ears, nipples, genitalia, anus, and the pads of the feet and hands. The level of glow varies based on the Vulkri’s mood, the more excited the type of emotion is, the brighter their glow, the more relaxed or ‘depressed’ the mood they possess, the dimmer their glow.



Vulkri traditional clothing consists primarily of a single length of one foot wide cloth, typically long enough to cover the thighs, hips, and groin. Females may wear longer lengths of cloth or a second cloth for covering their breasts. Typically, when in traditional clothing, males and females cover or partially cover their torsos and groin/backside. This leaves the majority of their bodies uncovered. Workplace Attire however in the modern age consists of more concealing outfits, more akin to the traditional business acumen of human businesses. Utilizing proper slacks, coats, and shirts to conceal much more of the body and be more presentable. These fashions come in a wider array of textiles and patterns than the traditional Vulkri garb. Traditional clothing does possess more concealing arrangements however and are a common sight among those who prefer the simplistic yet complex wrapping against the simpler pants and shirt. Law enforcement, Medical Practitioners, industrial workers, etc, wear appropriate and standard approved uniforms and outfits rather than personal choice or traditional cloth wrappings.


With cities possessing a strong emphasis on form follows function, the architectural tendency of the average Vulkri building or city tends to be of little aesthetic note in most cases. However, Vulkri culture does have an emphasis on family, nature, and education. This is reflected often in the contents of buildings, and the rooftops of the cityscape. Offices, Clan Homes, and various other domicile or white collar workplaces display some of the most consistent quality of life technology, resulting in some of the most advanced domestic and office building amenities. Clan homes tend to be the most technologically advanced structures in Vulkri society. One may actually find it difficult to discover a Vulkri city from above using satellite imaging. Vulkri cities almost invariably have sprawling, well manicured Rooftop Gardens that provide minor protection from the elements for streets, and help clean and recycle pollutants from the atmosphere of the city. These gardens are typically tended to by the clans who own the buildings. Decor and color scheme tends to follow what Terrans consider Celtic/Druidic influences with splashes of bright colors. Yellow, Red, Orange, Purple, and varying shades of such are often used to accent the natural greens and browns of the architecture.

Family Unit

The Vulkri family unit follows a structure based on age, honor, history, and merit. The typical hierarchy follows as such: Elders handle clan finances, affairs, and planning. The young and middle aged adults are responsible for income, manual labor, and childcare. Teenagers and Unemployed adults are responsible for cleaning and maintenance of the clan home, and education. Children are expected to handle chores and succeed in the education systems provided. Any criminal clan-members are typically dis-owned if they show consistent criminal behavior or commit a felony crime, usually being sent to military service to be taken away from the home planet.


Vulkri Culture typically places an extraordinary emphasis on comprehensive education and critical thinking skills, as well as applications and effects for Skilled Trades, Science, and Engineering. Grading and evaluation are government regulated and provide little to no leeway in the standards presented. Graduation of a highschool level is absolutely required to obtain any kind of work outside the clan home. Schooled itself is enforced until the age of 19, at which point the student has either graduated, or leaves the education system with a Did Not Finish on their educational records. This DNF remains on their record until such a date in which they retake their basic graduation tests and pass the evaluations. Level of education is often considered to be both the foundation of their society and one of the highest merits a Vulkri can achieve. The higher the level of education, the higher the merit.

Beliefs and Religion

Consensus on observable Vulkri religions is that the largest religious sect, the ‘Celestial Angels’, regard Kitsune or Kitsune like races as divine messengers, demi-gods, or gods. Kitsune, in this sense of the definition, being magical, multiple tail Fox-like entities, as Terra would describe the being almost exactly in their own lexicons. This Belief however has over the ages of space travel for the Vulkri been tempered, knowing some kitsune-like races to be incredibly evil, and others to be incredibly good. For modern vulkri, few could be considered to be Fanatical about kitsune or their variations, as Science, logic, and progress mean more to the species than dogmatic religion. Additionally, Vulkri culture and religions do not consider kitsune to be immortal, or morally pure. Such considerations have been reinforced after meeting several different races of kitsune among the stars.


Typical Vulkri behaviors and/or activities within primarily Vulkri Communities most notably are; Casual Nudity, Communal Cooking, Interclan Child Raising, Gardening/Farming hobbies, large or small gatherings, and isolated/group meditations. Not all Vulkri show social behaviors or tendencies, some preferring more personal and private hobbies such as learning instruments, academia, and/or other creative media. In social interactions, Vulkri conversations may not be fully voiced, oftentimes body language will be used to convey meaning, intent, and tone of keywords and messages. Some conversations, including what would be a lengthy spoken conversation, can be occasionally done in less then ten spoken words. However, particularly complex or lengthy conversations or ideas possess much more Verbal communication, and in the event of a Vulkri Speak to a non-Vulkri, fully spoken conversation is considered a must as other species may not, and usually do not, understand what a particular position, pace, or other que of the ear, tail or muzzle may mean.


Among Vulkri, Sexual intercourse and other little activities related to the body and pleasure are considered almost as casual as conversation. Knowing rarely gender, race, or species barrier, Vulkri have come to develop an adaptation that allows them to bear the young of other species, or impregnate other species females. They possess a particularly open and straightforward attitude when approaching the subject with other species. During cycles of heat/rut, Vulkri are known to become particularly salacious and unrestrained, often coming down with bouts of truly debilitating levels of lust and desire. During these cycles, productivity among Vulkri communities drops across every industry, as workers give into their lusts and often breed on the spot, pausing whatever they are doing in favor of quenching their burning loins. This cycle and behavior has earned a certain reputation for the Vulkri among other species, occasionally making diplomatic negotiations difficult or misunderstood.



Maintaining a primarily hands-off, big brother approach to its policies, the government of the Vulkri minimizes the physical invasiveness of its policies, laws, and interventions in the Vulkri Citizenry at large. Homes are considered off-limits and completely private, however all streets and rooftops are considered to be under surveillance for police and security purposes, where such is considered Fully Viable. There are areas known to lack such oversight or monitoring however, typically rural areas and primarily loose/sparse population centers. This means that crime does occur here, however little, without expedient consequence or solution. These areas are actually common, but local law enforcement agencies do their best to manage these blindspots. In short, the Vulkri government is considered largely to be a form, or derivative of a Surveillance Police State, minus the constant threat of having one's home invaded. On a scale of how well they manage and regulate themselves, one can argue that while not a utopia, they are certainly on the good side of being such a government.

“Just because they can, does not mean they will unless they have an actual reason to do so.”
    -Unknown Citizen on Vulktyr.


Infrastructure, according to the Vulkri’s overarching government, is of the utmost importance, the officials and workers alike understanding that a functioning, streamlined, and maintained infrastructure was the most important to the health of the citizenry. One of the very core concepts to the government's function was to maintain, expand, and police the infrastructure of the Vulkri People to ensure everything got where it needed too, quickly, and with as few problems as possible. Roadways, airways, spaceways are kept clean and patrolled to ensure public, private, government, and outside transportation and freight arrive on time where they need to go. This includes surprisingly for many, the bureaucratic practices within the government. While the Vulkri do not shy from organized checks and balances, their design and intention of efficient function aids in both keeping the layers of bureaucratic tape to a minimum. This dedication to streamlined infrastructure in both workplace and transportation, amenities and supplementary results in an uncommon if not rare consistency in a well maintained appearance across Cities, Planets, and Territories of the Vulkri.


Summarizing the Vulkri government down to a basic, introductory overview statement, the following is considered accurate, but not entirely precise;

The Vulkri Democratic Republic largely displays exceptional bureaucratic efficiency, effective and non-invasive big brother policies, and a core focus upon improving and maintaining its territory infrastructure to ensure a strong Economy, and safe environment for its citizens.

Stated Purpose and Goals.

1: To maintain vigilance over the population to protect them from internal and external threats

2: Maintain logical, reasonable, uniform, and effective laws, policies, and processes to ensure governmental and societal health and cohesion.

3: Maintain integrity and health of transportation and governmental infrastructure to help ensure health of the free economy

4: Citizens First. No foreign interest will be held above the health, safety, and trust of the Vulkri and non-Vulkri Citizenry.

5: Maintain an expertly equipped and trained defensive force. Quality and Quantity must be balanced and elevated in tandem to ensure superiority.

Health Care

With the health of citizens being a priority within the governments ``Citizens First” stated goal, Vulkri enjoy government provided healthcare supplied Via Taxes. No matter the extent of the medical procedure, it is provided free of cost to the citizens of the Vulkri Government and territories. The majority of medical processes in Vulkri healthcare are done via use of biodegradable nanites. Of which handle or stabilize the condition over the course of one or more injections. If nanites are not available or more severe medical needs arise, surgical practices are still in use.


Despite the promiscuous reputation of the Vulkri as a species, they are well known for stalwart and Detailed debate to ensure that any policy, deal, or interfactional discourse is resolved with clarity and no room for Vague interpretation. When approaching any kind of discussion, Vulkri diplomats are practiced in maintaining language the common being may understand, avoidance of catchphrases, and ensuring no detail goes undiscussed. By preference, Vulkri Diplomacy will attempt to maintain peaceful discussion and open channels, even with abrasive foriegn diplomats and/or policies. However, Citizens First is still the driving force behind any diplomatic mission of the Vulkri.



The following are the publicly known branches of the Vulkri Military Forces.
Navy: The ships and vessels of the Aerospace variety. The Navy utilizes the heaviest of armor, guns, and weapons to ensure superiority in any conflict. The majority of their vessels are capable of entering and exiting the atmosphere under their own power.

Marines: Subdivision of the Navy, the marines are focused on ship to ship boarding and defense. Often included alongside the army for Orbit to ground operations, the Marines are considered to be much more difficult to fight due to the sheer aggression they possess.

Army: Ground Warfare Specialists, they excel in long term campaigns and holding territory. Marines may take the point, but the Army Stops anyone from taking it back. Tanks, planes, even watercraft. The army handles all planet-side operations and situations.

Airforce: Subdivision of the Army. They specialize in the use, maintenance, and engagement of aircraft in combat and peacetime situations. The craft used range from super light but powerful Superiority fighters, to heavy, slow, and lethargic Dropships for moving personnel and equipment.

Aerospace-Force: Subdivision of the Navy. The ASF of the Navy specializes in space based Superiority operations and controlling the territories around the main fleet. Most ASF craft are capable of making jumps on their own.

Unit Structure
Army: Standard units, not including Vehicles, or attached supplementary forces
    11 Soldiers = 1 Squad
    4 Squads = 1 Platoon
    4 Platoons = 1 Company
    4 Companies = 1 Battalion
    8 Battalions = 1 Regiment
    4 Regiments = 1 Division
    8 Divisions = 1 Army or Task-Force

Marines: Actual Ship complement depends on ship size. Standard numberings below.
    9 Marines = 1 Squad
    4 Squads = 1 Platoon
    4 Platoons = 1 Complement
    8 Complements = 1 Brigade
    4 Brigades = 1 Task-Force

Navy: Standard orientations not accounting for special situations or mission profiles. Or the weight of ships.
    3 Frigates, 1 Destroyer = Patrol
    1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 4 Frigates = Heavy Patrol
    2 Cruisers, 4 Destroyers, 8 Frigates = Battle Group
    1 Battleship, 3 Cruisers, 6 Destroyers, 10 Frigates = Flotilla
    1 Carrier, 4 Battleships, 6 Cruisers, 10 Destroyers, 16 Frigates = Task Fleet


Peacekeeping: Unless Deemed irrevocably necessary, no lethal force is authorized, exceptions to this are known pirate vessels or hostile faction ships that have preyed on Trade Routes and or colonies

First Contact: Opening of Hailing Frequencies, transmit Translation packages, keep shielding up but weapons powered down. Keeping jump drive spooled up and on standby in the event escape is necessary, only power up the weapons and fight if escape is not possible.

Warfare: High Mobility, Heavy Strikes, Tactical Engagements on HVT sites, and Evasive combat strategies are the most common methods and doctrine employed by the Vulkri Military.

Ship Aesthetics

The following Design Descriptions are intended to help Identify Vulkri vessels in comparison to any allied or enemy fleets.

Long Vessel Lengths, Typically in a 3-1 ratio, three units long for every unit wide or tall.
Rounded, Angular Front Ram, Typically with sunken SPinal cannon barrel openings.
Sectioned armor plating, made for quick replacement of damaged or missing plates.
Armored Outboard Engines. Considered by many to be a weakness, outboard engines allow freely mounting much larger/powerful engines to otherwise too small a vessel. While additionally allowing Much faster replacement or repair.
Spinal, Broadside, and Turreted weaponry. Heavy emphasis on rapid unscheduled disassembly of enemy capital ships.
All Vessels are capable of carrying at least ten fighters in a fighter bay.
Heavy use of Angular aesthetics with rounded corners.
Red-orange Trim and Glowing Cyan engine emissions

General Aesthetics
The following are basic descriptors for identifying Vulkri Personnel, Weapons, Vehicles, and equipment

Armor: Armor follows a pattern of semi-flat strike faces with rounded corners and edges.

Vehicles: Practicality and versatility, VTOL jets and straight flight VTOL crafts overall. Tanks Follow Strong flat strike faces at steep angles.

Weapons: The ‘Maverick’ series rifle is the primary weapons platform that is the basis most if not all weapons the Standard Vulkri soldier utilizes. It is one of the most recognizable pieces of equipment on a Soldier of the Vulkri.

Uniform: Uniforms are imprinted with an ‘organic digital’ pattern using the concept of Micro images inside a Macro Pattern. Specifically designed to try and remove the blotting effects of other patterns at range.

Super-Weapons (known)

Ion Particle Beam Super-Cannon: Typically mounted to medium sized space stations or dreadnaughts that are built purely around the operation of this weapon, the Ion Cannon system is capable of firing a particle beam capable of delivering a megaton impact equal to twice of Terra’s ‘Tsar Bomb’

Renegades: The Renegade Supersoldier program is often described as the power of a category five or worse hurricane, focused to the fine precision of a scalpel. Renegades are known to single handedly hunt down, and break the command chain, logistic backs, and the will to fight of entire armies.

Deconstruction Nanite Bomb: Flesh, Metal, Raw material… This weapon is largely considered an absolute last resort measure. As the nanites will deconstruct materials until nothing but fine powdery sand is left. Unless the impact zones are EMP’d, the Nanites will remain active for up to three months. Leaving entire swaths of a planet barren and lethally uninhabitable.


This is not 100% complete, and will be altered in time to include more, clarify on what is here, and to expand upon incomplete or underdeveloped topics.
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Added: 4 years, 8 months ago
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