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6-24-2020 TO 7-2-2020 BLM and what i've been doing

Hello! Its been a bit since i wrote these its been quite a wild few months. I sit here trying to write this, to gather my thoughts about what i should say, its been hard. Really hard, to Covid-19 to the the protest against Police brutality. I've been a part of it all. I didn't sit back and watch I've been neck deep in everything. I've been to protest, I've been donating, I've been wearing a mask, I've been working. All of it but it feels pointless.

Black Lives Matter
I'm an African American, i was born in the united states. I've been (almost) a victim of Police brutality Twice in my life, One when i was a kid and once 2 years ago in November. Both times i was pointed a gun at but than a different cop ( a black cop) nudges the gun down. It was Traumatic i remember those two days like it was yesterday i'm lucky to be alive. When i complained about these events people told me. "I must have done something wrong" IN BOTH CASES when i was a kid may i remind you. By the way the two "things" i did wrong were walking out of my home and heading to the boss , walking home from work. Yeah two things i did wrong. I hate this, i hate how the media is covering this, i hate how white people are covering this.

Over the months of this protest going on what i seen is more people complaining about statue and targets being burned rather than what people ARE PROTESTING ABOUT!. People are protesting because the system at play has fucked back people since the start. The system at play rewards cops for killing people in strange ways thanks to Qualified Immunity This shit is insane, the government puts more value of a cops car than a person who been killed by said cop. This is all the system at play, and i'm tired of it. Obama did shit while he was in office and trump is just a bad leader. None of this is working. I want it all gone. To this day more and more people are being beaten by cops, and more and more its being suppressed by the media, because they want something NEW and hip fuck the media. Fuck the KKK members that are literally lynching people Fuck the cops saying "oh yeah that's just a suicide" Suicide my ass if it were a white person people would be up and arms. but no of course not. By the time of me making this several people claiming to be cops have been arrest apparently they've been dragging black people away to kill them. People to this day say racism does not exist in america. While also looking at people proudly waving around the confederate flag.

To the people who say racism doesn't exist, I wish i could see what you see, because the world much indeed be a brighter better place than it really is.

When i go outside for what ever reason to going to work or getting food i see it. I see people partying, not wearing mask, not social distancing just parties. For example the park next to where i live is CROWDED the park is usually empty but its full. when i mean full i MEAN FULL i never seen so many people on a basketball court full before, i never SEEN 60(ish) people play football. All of it was a waste, the 4 months of sitting in house losing out on my own job and college was for nothing because people don't want to stay indoors. Its funny how the more people die the more people don't give a shit. Even the president doesn't give a shit ( as if he ever did in the first place.) As being one of people "At risk" it really bothers me going to Walmart AND SEEING PEOPLE WITHOUT MASK, when asked to put them on. Throwing a hissy fit about their freedoms.

Before anyone thinks that the statement above make me think the protest "can wait" realize that there is never a good time to protest to the people on top. They said the same thing during civil rights and the same thing now.

The Alt-Right Furries
 I've over the last few months been seeing with my own two eyes Alt right furries being racist towards other people. I don't get it, i really don't understand it. The people their protecting would kill them without a second thought, same with the nazi furs.

I'm drained, i will be posting more often, but i'm just drained.
Viewed: 6 times
Added: 4 years, 7 months ago
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