I'm very, very, very necessary this manga! T_T http://s019.radikal.ru/i614/1205/0c/3ea1a9a95326.jpg I've tried hundreds of times to buy it from another person on LJ, but every time someone sells it, the other person bypasses me and buy the manga for an inflated price! I'm tired of this! So please: if some kind person will this manga or it is already there, someone take pity and sell me her?
ps: I just want to say that Russia is not like Japan or America! =( There's no place Comic Con, there is no store with all the manga in the world! And of course no one is selling YAOI manga of tmnt! It's sad! T_T
Wow, I can guess now why you are havin' a hard time getting that. But, I haven't seen it. I can try to keep an eye out for it. I don't attend comic conventions or yaoi conventions in the states. Mostly because, by the time I find out about them they have already passed or in another state. I'd pretty much (I dislike doing it) wait for someone to scan it and put it online someplace. Hunt hard enough and there just might be a digital copy floatin' around some place.
Wow, I can guess now why you are havin' a hard time getting that. But, I haven't seen it. I can try