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Art and Fur in the New Year

Rock and Roar!

Hello my fuzzy friends! I know it has been awhile since my last journal update so its time I remedy that. It's been quite the journey from the last post I made until this one, so for now I will try to sum up the major events and plans I have in the works and do more frequent updates as things progress into the year. So lets start with the top:

My Mom is a FURRY

After many MANY questions, concerns, and general curiosity about the topic of the fandom and what it means to be a furry I finally decided the best way to help my mom understand was to show rather than tell. And what better way I thought than by bringing her along to her very first convention! Anthro Northwest (ANW) 2019 was the weekend where I pushed her into the deep end of the pool hoping for the best and prepared for hundreds of questions. Little did I know that this weekend would turn a general weekend of memorial and remembrance into a yearly endeavor of family furry fun.

After inviting her in, registration and a nice upgraded suite for the weekend the reality began to set in. I told her little to nothing going in as I wanted her to make her own unbiased opinion. This weekend happened to fall on the anniversary of my sister's passing, and emotions were certainly strong from the get go. Holding my breath and letting her wander and meet my friends, my family, and make memories that none of us would ever forget. I watched as tears, not of grief but of friendship, understanding and acceptance poured from her eyes and soon my own. She was immediately accepted in, and every day was packed to the brim with games, laughs, panels, art and music.

For the first time she saw me in suit, hugs a plenty! A new yearly tradition was born, something we can look forward to each year...Demeter (the unicorn) and I. That's right, my mom had adopted a fursona of her own, from skepticism to one of us! And while I can joke around that she should've been a lion like me, and not a....*sigh* hoofer...but she has found a place of belonging and acceptance, friends, and joy that for a long while was missing in our lives. We are happy to have her, raise your paws, hooves, claws, and wings, she's one of us and here to stay!

Old Dog Suiting Up

Prior to the many roars and rawrs of being a lion I was once a long time ago, in a spotty galaxy woof woof away a dalmatian. Now before anyone starts freaking out I have NOT abandoned the feline way, nor do I plan to, but I have had fun bringing back the spots and using the character to bring out the more playful aspects of myself and explore the world through a different set of eyes. Diego (as he's called) and Lakota will be sharing the hugs and the spotlight and as luck would have it I managed to snatch up a suit from the amazing talent at fursuiting fursuiting. Now he isn't ready yet as I have delayed his creation until later this year, due to current events, but rest assured he is on his way! So keep an eye out for the goodest boy, the spottiest boy, Diego later this year!

Conventions and Cancellations

This year has been nothing short of rocky so far, many things uncertain, many plans in flux, changed, or cancelled. And conventions unfortunately were also hit by the tidal wave of bad circumstances made possible by Covid-19 (Corona Virus). Everyone on the planet has been affected by this virus in one way or another, and as things progress day by day many things remain uncertain, we have to keep a hope that things will ultimately get better. We can overcome this together and must remain vigilant to take all necessary precautions to keep ourselves and those around us safe and healthy. My own plans like many others have had to be altered due to this outbreak, with great sadness I might add. And while I hold no grudges towards the choices made for the greater good, the sting of knowing these events were something I had been looking forward to for some time still remains. Listed below were my plans and my future convention plans that I currently have on the books. As current events progress I will have to update as necessary:

- Furry Weekend Atlanta 2020 (Cancelled)
- Biggest Little Fur Con 2020 (Postponed - unable to attend new set dates)
- Anthro Northwest 2020 (Currently on schedule)
- Midwest Furfest 2020 (Currently on schedule)

Art/Commissions and future posts

Beginning a few weeks/months ago I started posting three commissioned art pieces to my accounts that I have had on backlog for some time, rather than posting one per week. Many of the images posted are adult in nature, mature content, YCH's, or commissioned through rare openings from artists I follow that select their clients very specifically. As I continue to post and reveal arts that I had held onto to the public I have had time to put thought into what it means to get a commission, art, and the development of myself and the character(s) I hold dearly. I have spent much time commissioning art that I find attractive, and gained popularity in followers and comments but many of the pieces have not necessarily been a close depiction of who I am and consider myself to be as a person/character. My goal is to ultimately refrain from collecting artwork of adult nature henceforth and focus my commissions primarily on events and circumstances that evolve around real world events and hobbies that I am interested in, including time with friends (their characters) and experiences I have been through to ultimately give more dimensions and life to the characters, an extension of me, that I hold dearly.

I hope that those who follow me, friends and others alike will continue to view things that I have posted and have a passion for. And that moving forward this will be a step towards growth as an individual. Branching out from the narrow to a wider perspective of the artistic talents of the many within our wonderful fandom. And again I must state for the record that I hold no ill towards the more mature art/artists within our fandom, that I have supported or could continue to support in the future, but for the time being I want to widen my horizons. So please look forward to this change of posts in the upcoming future as my collection ultimately depletes of saved files.

In summary

I would like to personally thank each and everyone of you for continuing to inspire me and go on this journey of life, and furry adventures. I look forward to seeing what new possibilities await us after the dust has settled and we all climb out of the temporary abyss of uncertainty. Things can be hard, challenging, and frightening, but as I have learned many hard times over my life that even the smallest of us can learn to power through and make a path from the unknown to what we can only imagine. So be creative, laugh, live, love, and continue to be the most authentic you that you can be. You are my friends, you are my family, and you are never alone.

I hope to update you all further more regularly as events unfold, share stories, events, and so much more. Until next time keep yourself happy, healthy, and full of roar!


Viewed: 8 times
Added: 4 years, 12 months ago
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