I promise I give you a small sight in that deeper theme. DDoS-ings are more as they look like, they are often used to hide the true actings. Example: Deleting an special target Account from FA, IB, Star Wars, Star Trek, Twitter etc. vanished the traces, DDoS attacks are good distractions. It looks everyone is the victim, but in true it is one person or a tiny group. Thinking at kiddies or other idiot are planned.
To fullfill that act you must be very excuse the word "pissed" and high motivated and full of criminal energy about that person/websites/company to ruin his/her life.
In many cases that person found others with same hate about that let say "target". Hackers are hired tools, they interests the money only, not your interests or what you do with the target.
I promise I give you a small sight in that deeper theme. DDoS-ings are more as they look like, they
DDoS-ing can be use for good things too. 2022 & 2023 was on FA a lot of Art Thefts and Scammer, the Mods doing nothing against this problem, Admins a temporary banned, but nothing more. The victims hired a Freelancer Hacker to remove the Accounts from outside, to hide the acting he should made tons of DDoS-ing. That is one of the example with FAs lazyness Mods and Admins.
From Anti-CyberCrime is that a grey zone, between illegal and legal, our Anti-CyberCrime use that methods under watch of the law to remove silent Accounts for scam, terrorism, war/nazi propaganda, Loverboys, Haters etc. from social sites. The gouverment paid white hats in normal, grey and black hats only as necessary in high danger. It is sad, but we not training white hats, it could be help for digital infrastructure protection and stop more CyberCrime activities.
In my job are good and evil objective, neutral. Is DDoS-ing good or evil or both? As victim from CyberCrimes and no helps in sight it can be good, so long it is not use for own maledecious things.
My shift is over. DDoS-ing can be use for good things too. 2022 & 2023 was on FA a lot of Art Theft