List all the questions and answer them truthfully. Don't copy above the V's please VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 1: How many Men have you had sex with? A: 5
2: How many cartoon characters have you had sex with? A: None sadly.
3. Who would you like to see have sex the most? A: Sonic and Scourge the Hedgehog
4: What is your favorite video game? A: 4 Dead 1-2
5: Where would you go during a zombie apocalypse? A: Army Navy Store or my house with all my guns and sword =3
6: If you could have 1 super power, what would it be? A: Telekinesis
7: Which is better, McDonalds or Burger King? A: ...Burger King.
8: What is your favorite genre of music? A: Dubstep <3
9: What is your favorite Animal? A: Hedgehog!
10: What would you do with 5 million dollars? A: Buy 3 Hedgehogs, a Kinect for X-box 360, a new PS3, a PS Vita, an alien ware computer and the rest in video games.
11: If you owned a mansion what would you do with it? A: DUBSTEP PARTY!
12: What is the worst video game you've ever played? A: hm...Gundam.
13: What is your dream job? Make music like Skrillex or be an author. Both are equal.
14: Who is your best friend? A: My Brother, Danny.
15: Who is you lover in real life? A: Forever Alone
16: Who is your lover on the internet? A: TAZPETT!
17: What is your favorite number? A: 7
18: What is your favorite color? A: Blue
19: Who is your favorite artist? A: robbie....Uh....tie?