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Reputational Matters...

OK, so many of us have joined InkBunny, and so far, we like all the features it offers.  Wonderful, right?

Then I receive a private note in regards to the reputation of those that run this site...  What they do, and what they have done...  

Believe me when I say that I was not happy to learn these facts...........

However................ I am not leaving......  Why?  I will tell you....

A while back, there was an uproar over FA allowing questionable material to be posted.  Many artists left, and others stayed.  Many people who remained.... are now pointing the finger.  I can understand WHY they would be, but if you ask me, when you look at the clean facts.... both sites stand upon the same soil... the same foundations---- and if I am not mistaken, both had TIES to each other within the last couple years.

Shall I go on?  I think I shall...

Nearly any artist site you go to will have some kind of ridiculous drama going on, and all will have questionable garbage within.  Each one will have admin and content issues that many will disagree with.  Heck...THE most popular artist site out there posts REAL LIVE PORNOGRAPHY all the time, yet get away with it by claiming it as "artistic photography."   And sure, there may be one or two art sites out there that MAY have better rules in their TOS that more people can agree with... but their user interface is severely LACKING, or the moderators are just downright ridiculous.

Do I condone/support the negative things that go on in this website?   HELL NO.  In fact, there's a lot of bullshit OUTSIDE the internet that I do not condone.  With that in mind, should I leave the city I am in, when the laws of that city allow wickedness to thrive within its walls?  If so... where can I find a city that does NOT contain any similar activity?


The same can be said for this website...  Really, I see NO difference between this site and others, other than the fact that this site allows one to INDIVIDUALLY AND COMPLETELY BLOCK ALL MATERIAL THAT HE/SHE FINDS OFFENSIVE,  along with MANY OTHER content control abilities that other sites currently do not offer.

What does this mean?  It means that, much like the real world, each person here is responsible for their own actions... and their own crimes... and they can do so without shoving it down others' throats (assuming they tag their images properly, of course).

In the end, everyone will suffer for their crimes, great and small.  No matter what you believe, karma's a harsh BITCH.  I have a gallery here to showcase my art, and that in NO way promotes any garbage that goes on outside of my control...  I do, however, understand that this site takes out a fee for money handling and print services, and that should only be because such services need the funding in order to continue operations.  If that money goes toward the production of negative material, that will be a decision made by someone else... and not myself.  

...And if someone DOES happen to make that decision... well, again... karma's gonna be a bitch.

Viewed: 359 times
Added: 14 years, 8 months ago
14 years, 8 months ago
This, this, this x100   >_<
14 years, 8 months ago
I got that PM too, as did a number of people.

And as I've said, couldn't give two fucks. Not even a fuck. Because I can block anything I don't want to see. And everyone is allowed their preference of twisted. Soon this site will possibly be flooded with every fetish this 'wonderful' fandom revels in.

The cubfurs will get drowned out in the rolls of the fatfurs who are busy eating the food not eaten by the scat and watersports furs who are pissing on the bondage furs.... and it goes on and on. (I'm keeping my ear to the floor for the thunder-thighs pounding like pudgy pistons this way. Me and my boyfriend were having a giggle over sequential growth art and how every page could be a $5 download... and people would buy it.)

Anyway, I'm kinda there with you on this. I wasn't happy to have the information forced to my attention. And I wasn't happy to learn the dirty secrets of some of the mods and admin. But I decided the moment I read it that I could not give a flying fuck as I can go about and post whatever I want just as much as they can.
14 years, 8 months ago
i got that pm as well, i'm just gunna ignore it for the most part, filter out the cub, and go on my way.
14 years, 8 months ago
Nicely said, GuNMouTH. Every site really /does/ need a GuNMouTH!
14 years, 8 months ago
I am on your page with this! If too many people get scared off because of the controversial stuff, the controversial stuff will end up the majority by default. Users make the majority of content. I'm in a state of wait-and-see since, haha, I remember back when FA had a very similar uproar of concerns but it leveled off. I figure if this place continues to provide sales services and features that FA lacks, it'll retain enough users to speed up that process.
14 years, 8 months ago
100% agreement.  The filter features on this site are very nice and people should not be put off by anyone that might be here.  :)
14 years, 8 months ago
Basically this.  The fact that the site is designed, run, admin'd, and advertised primarily (not entirely; *primarily*) by cub porn artists and proponents bugs the crap out of me . . . but it bugs me on FA too.  Frankly, what bugs me more about this website is that the UI includes all sorts of kickass stuff like tag filtering, blog links, etc. but that all of it is clunky and ugly.  I like the idea behind the site (a place where artists can easily receive monetary compensation for selling prints, commissions, copies, etc.), so that was enough for me to get an account, but I guess we'll all see where it goes from there.  If it turns into CubCentral 2 or BeastForum Mk II, then there will be some speedy retreating, but until then, fuck it.
14 years, 8 months ago
When it comes to personal principles, I do not approve of using filters to block out content or people, but that just amounts to me not using those features. Really, the hysteria is blown out of proportion.

I am curious though, what was in that note? Would you mind forwarding it to me in a PM?
14 years, 8 months ago
The drama is hysterical. Every person bitching about it is another I'm bidding good riddance to as I jump ship. All the journals today just gave me that much more reason to come on over here.

To lend my support, I'm already working on a ten part novella that will be IB exclusive. Why? Because I feel that this new community needs more support to get it off the ground, and because I like the prospect of people chipping in a little for all the time I'm about to spend on this massive undertaking.
14 years, 8 months ago
Well said.

Don't like it, don't look at it. I'm definitely against cub porn but you know, who cares? People can do what they want, doesn't mean I have to instantly be a part of it just cause I'm on the same site as them.
14 years, 8 months ago
Haven't gotten that yet... that or I suck at noticing the note icon.

Either way, I'm in 100% AGREEMENT with the tagging policies.  FA severely needed this -- and many other sites -- because while you can and may allow some things.... not everyone will be happy with everything, and at least allowing users to specify what they want to see and when is a compromise.

If you can't get rid of it, you might as well look away (or in this case, sweep it under the rug... you know, the one in the corner no one cares about).
14 years, 8 months ago
Yup, gotten the comment myself and like everyone else, I can block out the material, I personally don't care.

However, it's going to be the people who refuse to block the content because they feel they shouldn't. And when they see a cub picture they will go out of their way to cause a shit fit.

But hey, I like this site's features and as an artist I want to utilize them.
14 years, 8 months ago
You already know this since I'm currently sitting next to you, but I totally agree with your standpoint on this. Personally I could care less that this site is created and maintained by people that condone cub porn. It's functional, allows me to do what I need to do (and then some) and as you said, allows us to completely block out that which we do not want to see. Which means the owners aren't trying to shove their fetish down our throats...which means they're not hypocritical.

Which makes them alright in my book. As long as we're allowed to do as we please within the TOS, this place is pretty much exactly like FA.

Only it has the features that we've been wanting for the last three years :).
14 years, 8 months ago
I've already heard and seen a number of great things about Inkbunny and like you and so many other folks here...I don't care either.  I mean this place offers that freedom of filter...FINALLY!  

Hell i enjoyed this place after looking at the scenic background, I feel creativily inspired just being here ♥ .  
14 years, 8 months ago
Yea, I was first dragged/let me being dragged into the "Hate Inkbunny" thing when some people were showing me links and stuff about the creators or the art posted here, shame on me <.<.
But hell, the filtering feature is neat and the site has a nice design and I find it not so hard to navigate around after some getting used to.
Probably going to upload all my commissioned art here too. ^^
14 years, 8 months ago
It really bothers me that people immediately throw on the blinders and grab the torches just because they see something/anything relating to cub stuff.   I personally avoid it because of the possible legal issues involved (which a large number of folks somehow completely enjoy blissful ignorance about)...

Simply put, as it's been put, this site has better features!  I knew this babyfur thing was going to be a stumbling block for these guys when I got on before live a month or two ago and saw all the cub stuff around...  But Hey, maybe this will help keep a large number of the zealous troublemakers out of here for a while/forever at least.  They can stay on FA while the rest of us more intelligent folks recognize that this site allows us to just hit a block button and `zopbopdoobitybop` we're good.  No more cub-art/porn... unlike FA where you can't get around at least seeing thumbnails for the content.

The one thing I have noticed, which bothers me, is that some of the content is not being properly tagged on this site.  I've seen a couple of artists that are being a bit lazy or possibly feel that their artwork is somehow `not` baby/cub/child artwork.  That right there is the only issue I've had so far while being here.
I would like to see some level of viewer-contributed tagging added to this site - perhaps only for deputized individuals.
14 years, 8 months ago
I have no idea what the dark details are behind the side and it's Admin, but I do find a large agreement with your argument.
14 years, 2 months ago
I do not understand, do you support and condone on cub yiff work or not? I agree with your standpoint, but I have never been good with metaphors. X3
14 years, 2 months ago
the colors of your journal remind me of xmas
13 years, 11 months ago
What PM was this?
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