Long time no see! Sorry that I've been so silent lately. Been doing school along with pretty much a full time job. It's difficult to get through typing out stories on a regular basis when you have all of that going on.
But I am trying to find some time to do so! As such, I created a new series called Red Sky. This is a Create Your Own Adventure series. The introduction has already been posted up here:
In this introduction, you get to help make the character that will be going through the entire series. So if you want to create the character that will have his life controlled by you all, this is your chance to do so.
As a premise to the story... This character believes that everyone in the world has every action chosen by someone else. As such, he knows that his actions are chosen by another person (AKA: The readers). He lives in a world where furries transform into zombie-like beings at the beginning of the month, but then return to normal a month later, and then new zombie-like beings are transformed. He has never been transformed, and isn't sure why.
If you want to see how his story progresses (And help it progress along) give the introduction a read, and maybe offer your own ideas for what he will be like!