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stuff coming up+check your keywords

short journal is short, i'm making a very explicit 2 pager comic as a commission for an awesome  client so i recomend you to sheck your keywords. REALLY... the better keywrds chekc the less drama you don't see dark stuff and i don't get flamed X3 everyone happy.

the comic will contain: abuse rape scat shit_torture young cub babyfur toddler wolf adult m/t m/c watersports non_concensual

hope you will block any of this stuff if you don't like it.

end of the short journal. now lets get to sleep i'm too tired to even think of a good joke for this journal..

by the way... got a cat and named him denzel, he's a cuddly little bastard :3 and my ally in my relentless war against my mom.
Viewed: 49 times
Added: 12 years, 10 months ago
12 years, 10 months ago
Oh? I can't wait to see this ^^
12 years, 10 months ago
*is curious*

and kuddly denzel kitteh is kuddly, yay! :D
12 years, 10 months ago
awwww a kitty and you really do comic commission

but what a pity it souds kinda the same ....
12 years, 10 months ago
No... Seriously I got a cat irl and named him Denzel like my char
12 years, 10 months ago
heheh yes yes i got it xD
i meand with kinda the same my comic idea >//>
12 years, 10 months ago
Heheee~  I don't really bother blocking keywords.  If something pops up I don't like, I just move on.  :-)

Sounds like this particular comic isn't really my thing, but I'll probably still have a look at it, though!  :-D
12 years, 6 months ago
I missed this account for ages, good for me -now- ~
and here, this journal reminds me vividly on how fightclub advertised with negative crit. xD *awaits*

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