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What sort of content are you most interested in?

I'd like to know what sort of writing you'd be most interested in seeing from me in the future, as well as what (if anything) you'd be willing to pay for. Anything is welcome, such as particular kinks or general, SFW ideas, or anything else in-between. Want more males? More females? More piss? More softcore? More hardcore? Commissions over novellas? ect ect.

I am also open to general comments or criticisms of any nature. Prices for the novellas too high? Not enough content in them to justify the cost? Not hardcore or fast-paced enough? Maybe too fast-paced? Dislike some aspect of my writing or my overall presentation? Some issue with me personally?

I don't know how much of a response I'll get with this, considering I haven't been active since returning to school and facing off with some medical issues, but all comments are welcome, and any information on what you, as a reader, would be most willing to pay for would be extra helpful!
Viewed: 70 times
Added: 5 years, 5 months ago
5 years, 5 months ago
I'd definitely be interested in seeing more omorashi, but I wouldn't really be able to pay anything which sucks because your writings are easily worth it. Some day I'll have enough to just buy a copy of everything you've made but today is not that day :(

Until then though, all I can say is I think you're already doing awesome and I hope it's going well for you!
5 years, 5 months ago
I appreciate you taking the time to respond. And thank you for the feedback! I am happy to write more omorashi and will be adding more of it when I have the time and mental wherewithal to write.
5 years, 4 months ago
I quite loved the Coming of Youth story from back in the day. I think that and the 'Priorities' one-shot are my favourite stories I've read of yours. Tale of Two Tails was also pretty good. I'm a big fan of that younger-teen/adolescent vibe, especially when it comes to boys, and you write it very well. Content-wise I'm really in it for the omorashi and wetting (and, I suppose, pee in general), though other things don't hurt. The hardcore/softcore spectrum doesn't make a big difference to me, though it can bother me when a story feels like it's omitting or avoiding details for purposes of propriety rather than story - I don't get that feeling in your writing very much though.

I've gotten a couple of your novellas and enjoyed them -- Worth the money, I think. I can't really comment on price, though I suspect that the market for this content is small enough that moving the price around won't make too much of a difference. I'd be very interested in commissions, depending on the details (and my financial situation in the next few months). I think I'd be more excited about that than more novellas.

I'm sorry to hear that you've been having trouble, and hope you feel better! Your stories have always been a bright point for me whenever I see a new one go up.
5 years, 4 months ago
Thanks a million for the feedback! I plan on writing more of the sexual discovery content for sure. I'd like to do more of the young male stuff for here, and possibly self-publish a novella with similar elements to Coming of Youth when time and energy permits. (This is, of course, a sort of content I need to be very careful with.) As for the price, I am happy to hear that, as price has been a concern of mine since originally 'publishing.' Anything below "$2.99" on Amazon publishing causes your royalties to plummet from 70% to 30%.

Also, I am happy to hear you enjoyed a Tale of Two Tails. As it so happens, that is a complete novel. I can upload it if you'd be interested in reading it.
5 years, 4 months ago
Oh wow, I'd be super interested in that! I had no idea there was more of it written.
5 years, 4 months ago
I'll get back to you when I post it. Will be at least a few days, though!
5 years, 4 months ago
Oh hi. I'm glad you're still around and considering doing more writing. I've been following your work for a very long time!

To get this out of the way, I'm interested in female omo (more holding/desperation than peeing). Well, at this point I'll at least have a look at anything you post, it's definitely worth it, but that's what I hope I'll see when I check this site.

I paid for Understanding Ana, and I was happy with what I got. I thought it was just the right length and tone for what it was. I can't remember what I paid but it seemed about right at the time. I had never paid for anything like that before and was very reluctant for, but the generous whole first part as a free sample convinced me. I really liked the focus on what was going on inside Ana's head the whole time, and I think this is a huge strength of yours in other works too, this introspection. (If I may just make a suggestion: it could have used another proof read or two - there were some typos and similar small blemishes - personally, I don't much care, but I think that if you're charging for it, the expectations might be different)

Ana was good, but I actually think that the coolest things you've done were with the young love series. Cute romance plus omo is particularly a mix I always want to see more of, and they were all great starts that made me excited to see more. It's a shame that none of them really continued past the early chapters. And, yeah, I know that was just about the most obvious thing I could say about your work, but I guess I'm just trying to say that if those stories had carried on, I think I would have really, really loved them.

As for softcore vs hardcore, it's such a matter of taste and I wouldn't normally weigh in - but since you're asking for preferences: you do both very well, but at least with the omo stuff, it makes more sense to me on the harder side. I mean, it's a fetish story, even if it is also other things. Trying to dance around it and pretend it's totally SFW just makes it more weird, somehow. I'd absolutely be down to read completely SFW non-omo things though!

To say something actionable, what would make me buy a story from you again, realistically? Omorashi-focused is not strictly necessary, I suppose, but it would be much more likely to get my attention. Emotionally charged and thoughtful, definitely, that's what you do best. A generous free preview like with Understanding Ana - honestly I'd rather pay more but have a good idea of what I'm buying than pay less for something I might not end up caring for.

I hope you're doing well and you'll enjoy your writing!
5 years, 4 months ago
Thanks a million for the well-thought-out and exceptionally precise comment. It's provided me with some extremely valuable perspective -- a sort of outside view, and that's always hugely valuable. Also, I apologize for taking so long to respond! Busy doesn't do justice in describing the state of my life atm.

To respond specifically, I can assure you more omorashi is to come, the majority of which will be female-centered. My more 'recent' submissions reflect a pattern, and I plan on maintaining that pattern loosely. Essentially, I plan on alternating female omorashi with other content, one of which will be general furry erotica (since this is apparently pretty popular lol.) Male content may be slipped in at points as well, as it appeals to me, but female omorashi is, in a weird way, my brand on this site, while also being one of my favorite things to write on. It will remain the focus.

I will also try to refrain from posting too many self-published works, in favor of keeping them free. Regardless though, I will continue to provide significant chunks of the published stories up front (likely in the 1/3 range?), that way people know if they want to bother spending money on it, and the people who aren't that interested in paying but would still like to read my content benefit as well.

As for the editing issues, this has been an ongoing problem for some time lol. It is exceptionally difficult to find proofreaders who actually proofread and don't just skim. That combined with being rather bad at proofreading myself and being utterly overwhelmed by the absurd amount of content I was reading and writing at the time, a lot of preventable errors slipped through. I am less overwhelmed now (at least by words lol) and I think my proofreading skills have improved a lot in the last couple years. Hopefully, at the very least, this will be less of an issue.

As for the young love, I am glad you mentioned this. I have been fiddling with the idea of either a novella or novel involving those themes, one completed from the get-go. Consequently, I want the story to have a bit more substance than just omorashi porn, but finding a set of good, somewhat original ideas that aren't hackneyed or forced in the setting is no small accomplishment. All the same, I do plan on making this a reality sooner rather than later.
5 years, 4 months ago
The best porn I've ever read was story first and porn second - not despite that, but because of that. (Tragically, it wasn't omo porn.) If you can pull of something like that, I'll be your fan forever.

No pressure. Ha ha.
5 years, 4 months ago
Ha! I'll see what I can do. That sounds more satisfying to write than raw bumping anyway.
5 years, 1 month ago
I quite enjoy your "My Best Friend's Sister" stories. I find the dom female and sub Male roles to be my favorite in your stories, aswell as how it is in "Reaching for Aurora". I would love to see more of this involved in your writing and further continuation of "My Best Friend's Sister". Thank you.
5 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll keep this in mind when deciding on future projects (as the next three are already planned out.) I have very much been wanting to write more for My Best Friend's Sister, as I feel it left off very suddenly. I do technically have half of a draft somewhere for chap. 5, but I was never satisfied with it.
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