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And we're back!

We're now running Harmony version 0.9g Preflight Beta 7.

Please let me know if you see anything odd happening. Mostly the big updates were to do with the Unread Messages and New Submissions screens.

The updates for this version include:

- Unread messages screen has separate tabs for each message type that are nicely styled now.

- You can now go to a nice URL for user pages https://inkbunny.net/user/username (just replace username with any name on the system)

- Better dictionary word checks and other password generation checks are now run when an account is created or when you change your password.

- Finished implementing the HTTPS/SSL encryption for logins and all other places passwords are used. This means you can log into Inkbunny at cons etc where wireless is used and your password is encrypted as it goes over the network, so no one can steal it that way. (Unlike certain other art sites.. *cough*). Notice when you go to any page that asks for your password, the address bar will tell you we have an encryption certificate active on that page. It's also why you sometimes have to type the SITE password again. That annoying side effect goes away when we go LIVE and there is no more site password.

- There is now a NUKE ALL button on New Submissions page.

- Trouble Tickets now have a nicer/finished page style.

- Trouble Tickets now show up as Unread Messages, and they email you when new responses are added by staff.

- Lots of fixes to the background. Mostly you won't notice unless you were having problems before. Older versions of Firefox will have a massive green ground area as you scroll down. This is a temporary speed fix until we write CSS that gets the older versions of FF to support fixed backgrounds better.

- Latest uploads on front page now shows most recent 6 uploads. It was random but that wasn't very useful.

- Added 5.5" x 8.5" print size. But you all already knew that!

- Finished the "buy as anonymous" feature. If you check out, you can now click a link that means the artists won't know who made the purchase and you'll show as "Guest" to them on the receipt, even if you have an IB account. Useful for buying stuff you want to be discreet about.

- Fixed lots of problems with Unread Message counts showing when there were no messages to read, or counts being wrong in other ways.

- You can now upload PNGs as icons.

- You can now upload BIG pictures (up to 3000x3000px) as user icons, but they get shrunk down to user icon size for you.

- Fixed problem with apostrophes showing oddly in some emails.

- Submission Keywords and Block Keywords screens now handle apostrophes in keyword names better.

- Lots of page loading speed improvements. Thanks GreenReaper!

- Sales markups now update when the Sales Settings page is first loaded.

- Processing fees explained a bit better on checkout screen.

- Favorites by your Watched Artists in last 24 Hrs screen now has simpler sorting options and won't show duplicates (unless you're in Sort By Artist mode, where it makes sense to show the same pic multiple times).

- "0 minutes ago" now says "A moment ago" because we thought that was nicer to read.

- Lots of other fixes that are boring admin/server stuff that you don't want to hear about! But trust us it means Inkbunny is now even more awesome than ever before!

Pretty good for just over a week of work eh? Now if only other art sites updated so much so often... :3

Then again, Inkbunny is my job, not my hobby. So we gotta cut other sites some slack as they're mostly run by people trying to get a horrendous admin workload done in their spare time.

I also have a lot of volunteer help from a friend who is helping me with this for the fun of it in his spare time, and pulling nearly fulltime hours every week along side me to get to the Launch day. Invaluable at this stage!

Please keep sending your feedback and ideas!


Viewed: 38 times
Added: 14 years, 4 months ago
Site News Item: yes
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14 years, 4 months ago
Nice job. :) That's a lot of improvements in one update. :o
14 years, 4 months ago
The background is broken for me when I scroll. Twilight version
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