I accepted requests, trades and commissions, (if anyone is interested that is) But i do have my limits, so i'm going to lay out the rules.
#1:Please be patient while i'm doing your requests, trades etc.
I'm not a printer that can constantly pump out pics LoL.
#2:I accepted papal payment through invoice or money send option.
#3:Sketches for pics and comics are Payment up front before i start.
#4:You get 3 chances to make changes to the sneak peek of the comics before i start coloring. Once i start coloring, there's no going back to having some changes. so make them count.This falls in for color pics and color comics.
Will Do / Won't Do
Will do:
male vore
female vore
femboy vore
cock vore
soul vore
human pred/pery
Things that i MAYBE/MIGHT draw (if i like the idea):
hard vore
graphic digestion
Underaged pred/prey
Will not draw:
And that's pretty much it. if i miss some things, you can just pm me and ask me question of what you like to see. Pretty much i might not like the idea depends of the idea i like.
Sketch pic:$3
color pic:$4
Sketch comics:$5
A color comics:$10
Digital art:
Sketch pic:$2
color pic:$5
Sketch comics:$4
Color comics:$10(Up to 8 pages)
A Big sequence color comics:$20(As much pages you like)
Note:Add on characters and pages Do not add up to the prices, For an example: if you want a comic sequence with color. It will still remain $10 of that price.
So you could add on as much characters/background as you like.
You can contact me here in PM's or email me down below.
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5 years, 5 months ago
13 Jul 2019 14:28 CEST