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Looking To Do A Stuffing/Weight Gain/Vore RP

As the title says, I’m looking for people who’d be interested in doing a stuffing, weight gain, and/or vore rp. I love all of these and would like to do an rp based off of 1, or more, of them. Let me get a bit more specific with what I’m looking for


- I love gainers/preds who LIKE being big/round and want to get bigger! I don’t mind if they start off skinny, but this is an absolute must for me

- Lots of eating of some sort. Whether it’s food, or others in the case of vore, this HAS to be in any rp I do. Usually I love a gainer/pred that’s always s hungry and never seems to get full ^_-

- Small, paragraph sized, posts as a bare minimum post size. I’m sorry, but 1 line posts are SO annoying! I can’t stand doing rps like this! This also includes “script” posts (ex: Character: *Walks over and eats food*). Sorry, but I REALLY don’t like that -_-

- Female gainers/preds. They’re my absolute favorite and, most often, I’m going to ask to have at least 1 in an rp. Of course, I’m also cool with…

- Some male gainers/preds. I’m a LOT more picky when it comes to this though and generally don’t do male only rps (although I can make an exception if I REALLY like the idea/character)

- Humans, furs, nekos, whatever. I’m generally pretty open when it comes to species. Just a warning though, I’m not really familiar with Pokémon, Digimon, etc. So I prefer NOT to play with them. (Again, I can make an exception if I REALLY like the idea/character)

- Any size of gainer/pred. This will probably come up more for vore rps, but I’m good with normal sized characters AND giants/giantesses and such. The only requirement I have for giant characters is that they must be is either fat/chubby and/or get a big belly from his/her eating. A giant/giantess who gets fatter/rounder is an absolute must for me if we play a character that big ^_-

STUFF I LOVE, BUT I’M OKAY LEAVING OUT OF AN RP (In other words, we don’t have to do these if you don’t wanna ^_- ):

- Burping, farting, scat. I do really like this in an rp (minus scat eating -_- ). It’s not something we ever have to do though and I’m cool with leaving it out ^_-

- Multiple gainers/preds. I really like this in an rp. Having more than 1 person gain/pred is really fun. Generally this would involve each of us taking a character and gaining/preding together. My personal favorite scenarios with these include: boyfriend/girlfriend relationships (especially puppy love relationships. So cute! As long as it doesn’t get too….graphic (see the point about this in my dislikes section ^_-  ), mother and daughter growing rounder, siblings growing bigger and friends growing wider together

- Pregnant girls eating for 2 (or more ^^ ) . I have a thing for pregnant women indulging their massive appetites. This works for stuffing, weigh gain and even vore rps ^_-

- Bratty/B*tchy gainers/preds. This is something I really love to have in an rp. I love selfish, greedy, teasing, characters who think only about feeding themselves, despite the pain and hardship it causes to everyone around them. I even love it when a gainer/pred rubs in how his/her gorging is causing those around him/her problems, all so he/she can fell a bit more full ^_-

- Singing/rhyming. I know this is VERY weird, but I really do love seeing a gainer/pred singing about how big, round and hungry they are. Just as an example, let’s say we were doing a pregnancy stuffing rp, something like this video would be really cool to see the gainer sing out (especially starting around 1:02 ^_-) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8yG8T9eSYw ^^ .  A song doesn’t need to be a parody (in fact, I prefer it isn’t).  However, I’m only willing to do singing/rhyming in an rp where BOTH of us come up with songs, not just me ^_-


- ANY NUDITY/SEXUAL STUFF WITH YOUNGER CHARACTERS!!! I think this is pretty self-explanatory. While I do love cute, puppy love, relationships (a.k.a: hugging and maybe an innocent kiss, or 2), I can’t STAND anything more than that! I like to keep my rps SFW ^_-

- Scat eating. I do enjoy adding scatty stuff to an rp, but this is where I draw the line. I can’t stand people eating it! -_-

- Gay relationships. I’m sorry if you’re into that, but same-sex relationships are a no go for me. Same-sex friendships are cool, just not anything beyond that ^_-

- Force feeding. I don’t mind this happening in a vore rp to a prey who’s going to be eaten, but I like rping with gainers/preds who WANT to get bigger and like eating. They shouldn’t be forced into doing it -_-

- Willing prey, or prey that stays alive forever in the pred. This is vore exclusive, but I really don’t like willing prey. Any prey should want to live and NOT get eaten. Speaking of vore exclusive stuff…

- AV/UB/soul vore/any other type of vore not through the mouth. I’m not really into this stuff. A pred should eat his/her prey the normal way. The only exception to this is maybe some absorption ^_-

- Anything My Little Pony/Brony related. I’m sorry, but I am NOT into to the show and really don’t like rping based off of it. If you like it, that’s cool, but it’s not for me  -_-

SCENES AND IDEAS I’D LIKE TO TRY (I am open to other ideas. These are just some I thought would be cool to play ^_- ):

- A family has a relative/neighbor’s child/cub show up unexpectedly and is forced to babysit her. Of course, she turns out to be a fat, gluttonous, brat who eats them out of house and home and, if you’re into vore, maybe eat them too

- A man gets an unexpected knock on his door only to find out his 1 night stand is now pregnant! She also revels in the fact she is eating for 2 and requires constant feeding/pampering. This would be really cool if she rubs in how he has to spend all his money on feeding her baby-bump and how he can’t go out and have fun like he used to, since he’s now taking care of her ^_-

- A farmer/normal family adopts a new animal/pet to their home. While they act as sweet and cute as can be at first, it’s soon revealed that they’re gluttonous gainers who want to eat, eat and eat some more. Again, maybe even eating the farmer/family if you wanna add vore to this idea ^_-

- A family, or a group of friends, head to a buffet and have a competition to see who can eat the most/get the biggest. Of course, they gorge as much as they can all while making things rough on the buffet owner/staff

- A fat and/or pregnant babysitter who goes around eating the children she watches at each house she sits. If you’re not into vore, then her just eating the poor family out of house and home

I rp on discord and over notes/pms/email. I prefer discord if you’re able to come on when I’m on. If not, I’d prefer we just uses pms, or something like that ^_-

I’m usually on Tuesdays, Thursdays and (most) Fridays from roughly 5:30-9:30PM pacific standard time. However, I’m on pretty infrequently, so don’t be mad if it sometimes takes a while to get a reply from me, or I have to leave suddenly ^_-

So if you’re interested, just send me a pm with your discord name, or whatever other info I need, and we can see about doing an rp ^^
Viewed: 23 times
Added: 5 years, 8 months ago
3 years ago
I’d be interested.
My Discord username is 5UP3RN0V4#5498
3 years ago
Aren't we already talking on FA?
3 years ago
I just wanted to play it safe.
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