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Joel's Fathers' Day Surprise! (Happy Fathers' Day!)

Happy Father's Day readers! What better way to celebrate than with a new Caleb and Joel story! This is a special one because it features writer Saint_Ajax: and is based on this little piece that he made a few years ago! I'm so happy he gave me permission to write this and is even doing some editing for it!

In this new addition to the Caleb and Joel Saga, Caleb is looking to do something special with his dad for Fathers' Day, but isn't quite sure what to do. That is, until he stumbles upon a special forum for fathers and sons like him and finds a post for a little group camping trip going on in his area on Fathers' Day and decides to RSVP.

Here's a little sample of the story. I'll be sure to make it public once Ajax is done giving his final go arounds. But if you don't want to wait until then, consider throwing a dollar to my Patreon.

Joel’s Father’s Day Surprise
Written by: Ash Cinder
Based on a concept by Ajax B. Coriander (And edited by)

The day that I had been waiting for was getting closer each day, Father’s Day. I had never been particularly excited for it before, usually I’d get dad a gift card every year, but this year we were now closer than ever before. I wanted to do something really special for the old grizzly, something he would never expect, but what? I knew dad would expect something romantic, considering he decided a few weeks before Father’s Day to go without orgasms until the holiday, only wanting to cuddle and kiss in bed, but not have sex. He wanted to make sure his balls were fully loaded for whatever I had planned for him… I just didn’t know what that was. That is, until about a week before the big day, I found exactly what I was looking for.
While browsing around online on some of the more dubious corners of the web, I came across a forum specifically for fathers and sons that had the sort of relationship that we had. The LikeFatherLikeSon forums, as the site was called. I found some pretty hot and interesting stuff on there, different stories of how other fathers and sons ended up like me and dad, some sexual techniques I wanted to try, and a lot of hot amateur pictures and videos. One section I found that particularly interested me was the section to chat with couples from the area where you lived.
I looked up the section for the Memphis area and decided to make a post asking for advice on what to do for Father’s Day. I mentioned how this was me and dad’s first Father’s Day together since we started our new relationship and I just couldn’t think of anything special to do. I got a reply to the post sooner than I was expecting and a conversation between me and a couple of other dads and sons ensued.

DaddyDukeDoberman: What does your dad like? Any particular fetishes he has? 18:34
CubbyCaleb: Well, he likes spanking. He got me a paddle for Christmas, but we haven’t really tried anything else yet. A little role playing here and there, but that’s it. 18:37
SubbyShep99: So, you’re in the Memphis area, right? 18:39
CubbyCaleb: Yeah, that’s why I posted in this part of the forum. 18:40
SubbyShep99: Dude! You should check out Ajax’s Father’s Day post, then! 18:42
CubbyCaleb: Who’s Ajax? Sorry, I’m still new to this site. 18:46
SubbyShep99: SaintAjax he’s a bit of a well-known Daddy on this site, as well as the Memphis father/son community in general. He hosts a few gatherings at this secret campsite and invites other dads and sons to come. His biggest one though is the annual one he and his son have every Father’s Day. Me and my dad went to the one last year and it was fucking amazing! 18:55
DuncansPuppy21: Hell yeah, Papa Ajax’s camping trips kick ass! 19:05
DaddysToy141: I was there last year too! Got so much Daddy dick in me that night I think my belly grew a bit from all the cum they deposited in me! 19:08
CubbyCaleb: Oh wow! Can I get a link to the post you mentioned Shep? This definitely sounds interesting. 19:11
One of the users posted a link to another forum post titled SaintAjax’s Annual Father’s Day Soiree: Inquire Within. I clicked on it and the forum post read:
“It’s that time again! Me and my son will be hosting our annual Father’s Day camping trip! Started by my father back when he and I first realized we loved each other more than most daddies and sons did, I’ve been keeping his Father’s Day tradition alive and well with my own pup to this day. Here’s to 32 years of sexy father-son bonding! If you’re in the Memphis area and would like to join us at our campsite, post below and either I or my son will message you as soon as we can.”
I was intrigued and decided to post a message saying that I was interested in bringing dad to a thing like this. I stepped away for a few minutes to go eat dinner with dad before coming back to the forum to see a message in my inbox from Ajax himself!
SaintAjax: Hey there, cub! Never seen you around this site before, you must be new. So, you think you’d be up to spending Father’s Day at my little spot in the woods? 19:25
CubbyCaleb: Hey! Yeah, I am new to this site, and yes, I’m interested. This is me and my dad’s first ever Father’s Day together since we started this little thing we have going on, and I really want to do something special with him. 19:51
SaintAjax: Well, this is certainly something special and a great way to spend Daddy’s Day with him! Though just a question, are you two okay with son swapping, as we call it? There’s definitely going to be a lot of that at the party. 19:58
CubbyCaleb: Hm, well I’m not sure what he’d think of it, we both haven’t really had sex with anyone else since we started doing it together. Would we be able to leave if he’s not feeling it? 20:04
SaintAjax: Of course, I’m not going to make anyone stay if they’re not having any fun. I’ll go ahead and give you directions to the campsite and put you guys on the list, I’ll put your spot under your username and put the number 2 by it. 😉 20:07
CubbyCaleb: Sweet! Man, I’m really excited! I think dad’s really going to be surprised by this! 20:08
SaintAjax: I think you’ll both love it. I still remember my first time there with my father when he started this little tradition. Took me there when I turned 18 along with a bunch of his friends and their sons, and since then we’ve made it a yearly tradition for Father’s Day. 20:14
CubbyCaleb: Wow, that’s actually pretty cool! 20:15
SaintAjax: Damn right! I tell ya, nothing quite like watching a new 18-year-old wide-eyed pup take his first camping trip there and get passed around from Daddy to Daddy all night. 20:17
CubbyCaleb: Woah, that all sounds pretty hot! O_O 20:18
SaintAjax: Glad you agree. Well, I gotta log off now, but I’ll see you there, cub! The festivities start at 9:00 PM! 20:19

Ajax gave me the directions and I made a note of it in my phone. I got excited, knowing this was sure to impress dad!

Hope you guys liked the little taste, and hope you're looking forward to seeing the final version! Hope you all have a good Fathers' Day and treat your daddies right! >;)
Viewed: 15 times
Added: 5 years, 9 months ago
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