well after a couple years since joining inkbunny, several submissions , faves,comments and support from everyone watches my account i'm 14 pages away from finishing my sixth drawing book. yikes right? any who, after that i'll be looking into getting my stories and characters on paper not as art projects, but writing. been wanting to do that for awhile now but i admit i've never had a way with writing, always drawing. but y'know what ... fuck it! time to get at the hard part . im thinking of doing my Zendique story of course but cant really say how often i'll be submitting the story as it comes together. i'll still be drawing no worries but i gotta get the story itself on paper .lookin forward to it but after a couple more drawings done before all that. lemme know what y'all think on that if yer interested in the story process as it developes or when it does.
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5 years, 9 months ago
16 Jun 2019 20:01 CEST