So, looks like you want a commision - here is anything you want to know on how, when, were and if suggest it)
Payment method: PayPal
1. Contact
Anyone interested in commission - contact me via PMs
Describe all details as precisely as it possible, references for the characters if there were any are welcome, or maybe pictures depicting similar characters. And, of course, mention what type of commision among "pick your poison" section you want.
Then I'll answer you within 24 hours (maybe a little more if our timezones are very different), we will discuss some details and next day I'll send you a sketch. If you like it - I'll draw to the level of refine you asked. If you NOT like it - I'll redraw it, but you should specify what yoy want to be changed.
When image is ready, i'll send to you resized, small and watermarked version of finished piece,
then when I recieve my payment (via PayPal) I'll send you a full pic
Due to my current crappy hardware max size of picture is full hd (1920x1080). 4k option will be available as soon as I manage to earn on new PC (and by suggesting a comission you fastening that process)
If your commision is nsfw, I will not draw solo male (unless VERY girly) and male on male action, sorry( Futa is fine, futa on male is 50/50 - there is a chance that I'll refuse.
Note about fetishes/kinks: extreme stuff (gore/water sports/scat/etc) are big no-no, however i'm quite ok to anything more light (if you're not sure about certain thing - you can ask)
2. Pick your poison
- Colored sketch - 30$
You know, just some rough lines and flat shading
- Colored lineart - 50$
More refined lines with flat shading
- Full rendered illustration - 100$
Refined lines + decent shading, effects and stuff
All those prices are for ONE CHARACTER, every additional it is from +15% (floating "limbs", hehe) to +80% (fully visible characters)
Sad thing about backgrounds - I suck at drawing them, so now only flat color/gradient are allowed, but in future (when I'll buy a new PC and drawing on big canvases/ with big brushes wont't be a pain anymore) there no doubt will be another options)
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5 years, 10 months ago
02 May 2019 17:01 CEST