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So... FA: A question for you guys

Way back when, I used to also cross post to FurAffinity, but then the Sonic art purge happened and I haven't been back since.

I recently started throwing my stuff up on Newgrounds (check me out here if you wanna see), and it got me to wondering if things have softened up over at FurAffinity at all. For someone who unashamedly draws Sonic porn (including *wooooOOOoooo* mother fuckin' Sontails), would I still be eaten alive over there? Has it gotten any better? Worse?

On a similar note, how many of you guys follow artists on Twitter? I keep meaning to get mine set up, but I'm not sure how worth it that would be.

I'd love to get your feedback on all this, so yeah, gimme the scoop!

Viewed: 67 times
Added: 5 years, 10 months ago
5 years, 10 months ago
Sonic art purge?
5 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, kind of. There was change to their rules which basically classified all Sonic characters as underage. So people were getting reported and banned and all kinds of shit. At least that was the word going around. And I definitely got a lot of PMs telling me that my art was breaking the new rules... so yeah, I left. Just wondering if things are different now.
5 years, 10 months ago
Who knows.But not all Sonic characters are underage though?
5 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, I mean technically most of them are underage, I think only like... Rouge, Vector, Eggman and Vanilla are 18+? I dunno. But anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that most people who draw Sonic characters screwing are not intending them to be viewed as literal children. Some do, but that's not exclusive to the Sonic fandom by a long shot...

Most people agreed that it was just a way to push Sonic artists off of FA.
5 years, 10 months ago
5 years, 10 months ago
pixelcake from newgrounds here... generally newgrounds isn't that welcoming of furries but i don't think anyone is gonna make a callout about you or w/e
if you get shit just report it to the mods
5 years, 10 months ago
Oh jeez, I worded that badly and fixed it, I was actually asking about FA.

Anyway, so far so good at NewGrounds. I got scouted, at least. Thanks for the feedback!
5 years, 10 months ago
I never checked back on FA since the purge. All I ever heard was horror stories about bans and such because that 27 year old cartoon character from 1992, is, uhhh, underage?

As far as new grounds goes, the old guard hates furries with a passion. It can be seen clearly by one of this months featured videos: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/729252 if that doesn't scream "angry tiny penis. daddy didn't hug me as a child" I don't know what does lol.

However, since other social platforms have banned NSFW art, there's been a literally FLOOD of new anime and furry art/artist  coming to new grounds, so the haters just have to live with it and be miserable. From what I've heard, the owner is actually pleased with the new influx (even though it's mostly porn) because it means more people, thus more traffic, thus more ad revenue from, well, other porn sites lol.  

Expect some low star ratings thrown at you by haters but other than that, I doubt much else would happen. Just read and follow the posting rules.  
5 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for the info! Pffffff wow, I totally didn't know all that about Newgrounds. Ugh... the furry hate is real no matter where you go.  

I did hear that Newgrounds was happy with the influx of people pushed off Tumblr, so I guess for now it's cool. And yeah, I don't really mind if a few people rate me poorly, exposure is exposure. Just trying to spread my stuff out a bit.
5 years, 10 months ago
heh yeah I've been pretty active on new grounds for a year or more now (I'll pm you my page link if you like). new grounds is changing a bit lately. lots of new artists. more strict copyright rules on music (which is fine with me) and a lot more porn @.@; which I guess was always there from what the old timers tell me. I dislike the fur hatred, which honestly is way out of proportion, but yeah that's everywhere. Only other thing I really dislike is the younger looking anime shit and creepy CGI animations with similar themes, but whatever.  
5 years, 10 months ago
Oh yeah, totally PM me your link! Newgrounds really confused me at first, the whole scouting thing was totally new to me.

Anyway, thanks for getting me up to speed on NG. I guess I'll see how it goes but yeah, hate to see any fur hate, that's a shame.
5 years, 10 months ago
Yeah I think the scouting thing is just to keep at least a little control over the quality of new incoming content. Sure thing. ^^
5 years, 10 months ago
I actually saw that animation you mentioned. I don't feel like it's meant to be hateful. Heck, the guys murdering the furries are literally dressed like the nazis from Wolfenstein. It's just satire, meant for laughs. I mean, it made me laugh. :D
But I'm a proud furry, so maybe stuff like that just flies over my head, because I really haven't noticed that much toxicity. Sure, haters come and go as they do, but no more than most other places. And as far as NSFW content goes, when the big people like Teckworks or Diives post their content it tends to rocket to the top of the scoreboard. Heck, I even saw one or two of Diives' SFW pieces featured on the front page. So as far as ratings go, I feel like Newgrounds is alright with furries. But again, haters gonna hate. *shrug*
5 years, 10 months ago
I grew up in an environment seriously bigoted towards anything soft or "gay", so maybe I'm used to it meaning a lot more than it might. When I was a kid, it meant risk of physical harm to be anything considered gay.
5 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, I totally understand. I was lucky to not only be brought up in a good home, but also in a good place, where most were not only understanding, but supportive. I've never had any problem announcing my bisexuality to people, and even though I'm not a softie by any means I don't feel like I need to keep any secrets; I can keep my pokémon plushie in the open right next to my longsword and nobody bats an eye.
Which is why I find places where people are targeted for their individuality to be infuriating to an extreme. It would've taken just a bad nudge in the wrong direction for me to turn into a monster. But it never came, because I live in a good place. And anyone who claims to stand for their outdated values, whilst turning their sons and daughters into broken beasts in the process, can have a knuckle sandwich for my part!
5 years, 10 months ago
Lucky indeed. It was infuriating. I wasn't flamboyant by any stretch. Just emotionally sensitive (you'd almost think kids can be like that). Shit. Any plushies would have to be hidden in my world. The idea of me being bi wasn't even something I was allowed to think about till I hit puberty and wow was that a shitty time keeping a secret like that. Ugh. Ironically it was deep blue state country, so you'd think things would have been "progressive" but no. Seriously the terms gay or fag were the WORSE thing you could be called in my old neighborhood, and it wasn't even bible beaters! Very few of the people who gave me shit were Church goers. Just goes to show I guess, that evil has no rules when it comes to when and where it slimes around. Sorry to rant lol XP
5 years, 10 months ago
It's alright, fuck knows you've a right to rant about your experiences, unlike what some people would have you believe. Heck, I remember when Sonicfox got that award, and people jumped on him like if he was a whiny brat, when all he really did was to give an awkward acceptance speech. But so what? I'd probably stutter like an idiot if I were in his shoes at the time, especially if I didn't have time to prepare myself.
But if there's one thing I've noticed with the US it's that, despite their motto of freedom, they've a certain lack of respect for anyone who doesn't conform to their ideals. Granted, not every American is like that. With a country that size, it'd be a real shocker if everyone could agree on anything! But every nation has a wide-spread problem with something. The US is conformist, the UK is paranoid, France is arrogant, Germany is censoring stuff, Russia is... Russia, and my own home of Sweden is struggling with political correctness. Hell, find me a country that's perfect, and I'll move there in a heartbeat!
It just frustrates me that humanity can be so short-sighted and inconsiderate, especially to the ones they're supposed to love. I find myself constantly ranting like this! You've got nothing to excuse yourself about! :D
5 years, 10 months ago
That's a nice change to hear that heh. ugh yeah it's pretty much the unspoken law that being a non-conformist is forbidden here in the states. You "must" choose a camp, there are only a few and they all suck. Worse part is, IF you are one, you're even ridiculed for calling your self such because the term has been hijacked by anarchists. Yeah I'd like to know a place that isn't screwed up and move there if I could.
5 years, 10 months ago
not long ago I got suspended for this https://inkbunny.net/s/1673503

so I would say no it's not great
5 years, 10 months ago
Hoooooly shit... for real? That is so fucking bonkers. But that's always the way it goes. So many mods and staffers are like sad little shrivel-dick meatheads.... they cling to their pathetic sliver of internet 'power' and NEVER own up to mistakes. As if they run a fucking nation where the smallest concession will mean the masses will smell weakness and overthrow them. Dude, no one is going to take your precious title away if you reverse a bad decision. Fucking hell.

...you can probably tell this kind of thing has burnt me before, too. XD
5 years, 10 months ago
How dare females be naturally on average shorter/smaller than males! And how dare you draw any female without a double D bust! shame on you sir >:|  
5 years, 10 months ago
Everyone here's saying FA is being uptight about Sonic characters and characters who look young. Meanwhile, I see people posting all kinds of Sonic porn over there. And I seem to remember one of my watched artists moaning about FA being lenient with underage characters, basically letting anything slip as long as the person states "the characters are over 18" in spite of how they might look.
I mean... I guess it all depends on the mod who happens upon you. *shrug*
5 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, I did do a quick search on FA to see what the recent Sonic uploads were and there's still a steady stream being posted up.

The thing I'm more concerned about is the community in general. It's one thing to not get banned or have content removed, it's another to have constant PMs and comments come in telling you that you're gross and breaking the rules and you're gonna get reported, blah, blah, blah just because you posted a Sonic 'ship they don't like. When staff makes being anti-Sonic policy, the haters get more bold. Just how it goes.

I mean, I've got a pretty thick skin when it comes to that shit, I get comments and PMs like that for my non-porn Sontails shit all the time, but it got tedious at FA. Just wasn't fun to post there anymore. So I was just wondering if anyone noticed a culture shift at all.
5 years, 10 months ago
It's cynical, but a common theme I've heard artists say about FA is, "if you're popular, no one says anything much [about, say, Tails art]."  Or that drawing or modifying your characters to be aged up is fine, but you'll always get nitwits trying to make hay.  Sonic stuff isn't cub save for Cream and the like so it doesn't attract the same level of vitriol there. I'm honestly curious myself now. As for Twitter--shockingly open to Sonic porn lol.  Never had a single problem with it or with detractors (they prolly just block or mute, but that's their loss, not mine).
5 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, that's kind of what I figured. Overlooked if you're popular. Sonic stuff may not be cub, but I think Sontails sometimes gets the extra side-eye because people are really attached to the idea that Tails is not just Sonic's best friend and side kick, but his ACTUAL little brother. Which is totally a fine interpretation to have, but it's just as canon as them falling in love -- which is to say, not at all. XD But it breeds such a volatile reaction in some people to see lovey/sexy stuff between them. And sadly, sometimes that manifests as hate directed towards yours truly. And that gets old fast.

Truth be told, the stigma attached to drawing Sontails has made it hard for me to make a multi-fandom art gallery, or one that includes my original content. So I end up feeling like I'm split into two different artists depending on what fandom I'm drawing at the time. Ah well. Maybe Twitter is a good place to start not giving a shit about that.
5 years, 10 months ago
They changed their policy. https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9108116
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