So, I just had a first: I got my account suspended! My FA account, if you’re curious. The pictures here, one of which has been up for three months by this point, are suddenly a problem for them. This, despite the fact I properly cropped them to remove any explicitly loli content. I guess that’s the true measure of fame: when you finally have enough attention to offend people.
You got suspended from "promoting Lolicon things?" I HATE THAT...I Did the same thing of CROPPING the pics and LINK IT to the full image, it happened to me on my old account 2 years ago
You got suspended from "promoting Lolicon things?" I HATE THAT...I Did the same thing of CROPPING th
IKR!?!? I Was doing their rules, "No Lolicon Pornography" they said day one to LINK Stuff and crop it to avoid it I tried it until some asshole reported me... Maybe some asshole reported you
IKR!?!? I Was doing their rules, "No Lolicon Pornography" they said day one to LINK Stuff and crop i
Well, what's done is done. If I get booted, the worst thing that happens is that I lose my commission contacts for that site. Worst comes to worst, I can create a new account and commission through that.
Well, what's done is done. If I get booted, the worst thing that happens is that I lose my commissio
Yeah but luckily I wasn't because I stopped But I recommend using FA for Human Adult art or such, Pixiv for Human Loli stuff I feel bad for you to go through this..
Yeah but luckily I wasn't because I stopped But I recommend using FA for Human Adult art or such, Pi
Yeah, I post EVERYTHING at pixiv. Really, the only annoying bit is that once my suspension is done, I'll have a week's worth of new submissions to sort through.
Yeah, I post EVERYTHING at pixiv. Really, the only annoying bit is that once my suspension is done,