Well hello again, those of you still following me here on IB. I'm sorry I left so suddenly and so depressingly but at the time, it was necessary. While I was dark though, I did plenty of thinking, I won't bore you with what I thought about or how I came to the decision to leave, but I will tell you why I'm back. I've decided that I shouldn't have to bow to someone else's set of morals for the sake of being 'just'. I know what I like and I know that what I write about isn't wrong, because it is purely fantasy. There is a huge difference between fantasy and imagined reality, and I want you all to realize that and know that my stories are completely fantastical and should never be even thought about replicating in the real world. Quite frankly, such an act is wrong, and should never be pursued for obvious reasons. However, knowing that my work is fantasy, I have decided that that makes it all right. This may or may not make sense to some people, but it makes sense to me and that's all that matters. Knowing this, I believe I will start writing stories for you guys again here on IB! I will start it off slowly, but I believe I will be churning out yummy escapades again soon enough for us all to enjoy, however, now each story will come with a bit of a disclaimer before it just to ease my conscience about who is reading my work. I just thought I'd let you guys know and I can't wait to hear what you think!
Peace Out
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12 years, 11 months ago
05 Apr 2012 01:15 CEST