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Help Bastion, please!

https://www.gofundme.com/Bastion-Leaving-Home[/b[/u]] (Quick link to
's GoFundMe, for those who don't feel like reading my heartfelt biography)

Link to original journal: https://inkbunny.net/j/349459

Hello, I've been with Basty for quite some time, and more and more frequently, bad things are happening in Venezuela, from food and medical supply shortages, to price hikes and power outages, to deliberate attacks in the streets by people desperate to get their hands on anything they can, and all because of the oppressive government regime in place. Anyone who speaks or seeks aid gets attacked by rogue officers and military personnel, and the dictator in charge continues to ignore the state of things, telling everyone that it's fine, that the US is causing any issues Venezuela might be experiencing and threatening retaliation against any non-allied foreign entity that tries to assist the people of Venezuela by hiding behind allied foreign powers, like China and Russia, who are potentially ready to assist the corrupt regime in any military retaliation against those who "interfere with Venezuela by aiding the opposition party."

While they reject aid from non-allied entities like the USA, the government is taking aid that their allies send and keeping it for themselves while the people continue to suffer. I'm tired of it. Despite admiring Bastion's ability to be so calm and collected, and even heroic in these times, protecting others from attackers, putting out fires, working in hospitals and doing more than his part to provide for this suffering community, all the while continuing to work nonstop here so everyone can enjoy his content (and so he can earn money to actually survive), I'm consistently more worried about him as Venezuela rapidly approaches war. He tries to keep a straight face, and hides any traumatic or potentially life-threatening events from me. I know why he does it, but I DO know, and I care about his happiness as well.

I don't ever want him to feel like he is burdening me with the stress of knowing he is at risk of harm, or worse, every single day he is there. I worry anyway; that's just always going to be the case, because I love him, and I certainly don't want to add to his stress by lashing out about it. Even when he's finally here with me, I will always worry about his safety and well-being. So I don't get upset at the fact he is keeping these close-call events from me. I get it. He does it because he cares about my stress, even though he's the one who has it bad. Where some would get upset about someone they care about keeping those things from them (and admittedly, it does upset me at times because I want to know everything about him, good or bad), I can only really tell myself that it's just one more thing I love about him. Imagine living in Hell day after day, and still somehow prioritizing the well-being of your partner living over in a first-world country where things are admittedly just fine. I don't deserve a guy like him. Most of us don't.
I know he is capable of surviving if it comes down to it, but I want him safe, and I need your help to ensure this. We have a plan and are working through the immigration process at as fast a speed as possible. Naturally, as thing begin moving here, the wrenches begin to be tossed into the mix. Sanctions, the closure of embassies and borders, government crackdowns on people attempting to leave, etc. Time is running out, and as rapidly as things are escalating, I fear if we don't act quickly and get him someplace safe for the time being, he won't be able to survive long enough to finish this process to get him here to us.

He's done more than his share for this community, and for me as a partner, and I'm to the point where I would do anything- literally anything, to keep him safe. I've always felt like ,despite my situation always being better than his, I've never done enough for him. It's never been for lack of trying, but simply my inability to. He does so much for me, despite his situation, and I admire him for that. I wish I could come close to the kind of person he is, even if sometimes this situation makes him see less value in himself as a person. He is my hero, and a hero to many others.

So our turn to help him. A GoFundMe has been set up with the intent of helping him leave Venezuela. We will continue working on our plan to ultimately get him here to the US, but for the time being, he cannot continue to stay there. There is nothing left. Venezuela is but a shell of its former glory as one of the most successful regions in the southern Americas. Bastion usually isn't one to beg, but we've reached that point of desperation. I'm begging you all to help us help him.

Please take a look at his page, and do what you can to help out and spread the word to others. Anything at all is appreciated. If you can't provide any financial assistance, hugs and moral support are also a plus. I wish the absolute best for Venezuela, and the people there will always have my sympathy and support when it comes to their efforts to turn it around, and make it into something incredible. For now, Bastion is my priority. Thank you all for your love and support. I know I've been silent here for the better part of all of this, but I've been around, I've seen the love and support you've given him, and on behalf of
, and myself, we sincerely appreciate you guys. You mean the world to us, and none of what we've accomplished so far could have been done without you.

Viewed: 67 times
Added: 6 years ago
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