Greetings everyone, after perusing this fair site for a little over a year I have come to the conclusion that there are many artists here that repeatedly produce supreme works for the whole community to enjoy. Here I will attempt to give recognition to those who, in my humble opinion, are some of the best in their field. I Highly recommend these artists and would encourage all of you to at least take a glance at their work.
Format: I will list artists by their name, works of their's that are a must see, and any other interesting factoids about them. The order that they will appear is based on when I first encountered their work, Not by who i think is best.
And so, without further adue I give you the InkBunny Hall of Awesome.
I) belzer, the New Data trilogy, last posted some time in december of 2011
II) humbird0, several flash animations and a few pieces of literature
III) xenodude, miles prower, laides man ongoing e-book
IV) ElfenSciuridae, Summer Days ongoing e-book, recently accepted as part of the School Days universe