....daddy~daughter incest....and even mother~son incest...i know it'z one of those thingz, but .......who better to teach?.......granted....not ment for a long term thing, but........[[really]]....would you rather someone from "school" teach yer kidz what you know they can do?...sure-sure it'z all about finding yerself and all, but how iz that possible when not "let to" by law? [[aside from the obvious of ineffective voting]]
...not saying to just go bang yer kidz.......gaw....really....X[....but they WILL test themselvez.......you were a freak too!....hehe.....[[delicious too......the video will be later]].......so get over yerselvez as per how you know this hyoomahn virus worx......it'z all about "...i want your shit too if it'z prettier than mine!" with those freax.....but yai it doez mean progression, so it'z not a terrible thing.....#baddragon [[you know i am right!]]....still......i am just noticing that there iz a bit of a lack of guidance to all these noobz to the ether......sure there waz little before those like "me" , but ....like roachez in yer apartment right now......you can't get rid of "US DREAMZ" either......so pick yer battlez wisely my lovez in that......[[....the trash-heap haz SPOKEN!...]] ....... but for those that know "me"......well....you know what to do now for damn sure, don't you........"!"....
♥~♬~♪~♫~❤ (/^ᴥ^\)🎶
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6 years, 1 month ago
09 Feb 2019 04:47 CET