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FREE SHORT STORY RAFFLE!!! (Done---Winner=Yukibo/FA)

Hello to all who watch me (and actually click on my journals btw!)

Been wanting to write something new lately, but need some creative input as to what. That's where you come in!

Take the form below, fill it out, and post it within the comments of this journal, and perhaps it'll get choosen randomly on Feb 8th to see my style of writing touch upon your inspiration/imagination.

GENRE: (i.e. adventure/comedy/smut/romance/etc.) < - - - Romance is my bread & butter but hey... it's your story!
THEME: (i.e. muscle/twink/macro/sonic) < - - - There are some I won't touch, but we'll discuss it!
MATURITY RATING: (i.e. general, mature, adult) < - - - Pretty standard.
CHARACTER NAMES/IMAGE REFERENCES: (i.e. bill/sam/unagashi son matrix/scuba steve) < - - - Be creative! (p.s. I'll accept up to 4 individual character's per short story.)
CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS/BACKSTORY: Don't be elaborate here. We'll discuss this more upon winning. I'm just curious as to whether it's going to be about a family of bears, a high school of ferrets, or a post apocalypse where only a sole meerkat has survived underground by eating his own semen!

1. PLEASE REMEMBER I'M A GAY AUTHOR! I mean, I can write a story containing women, and can have a story be about a woman, but I will draw the line at doing any sort of sex scene involving one. Them's the brakes.
2. This is a free raffle I'm posting between the big three (FA/SoFurry/Inkbunny), so don't forget to post your ideas on my journals between all three sites.

FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/coreguardian/
Sofurry: https://coreguardian0.sofurry.com/
Inkbunny: https://inkbunny.net/coreguardian

1. You are allowed only one idea per individual site/journal,
2. You may post the same idea across all three sites/journals for three separate chances to win.
3. You can (if have three tales you can think of) post one individual idea per site/journal, for a total of three possible story ideas/chances per person.
4. Any attempt to arrest a senior officer of OCP results in immediate shutdown.
5. See NOTES 1.
5. Idea's tied to pre-existing/new images, although encouraged to be sure, will have to show some proof of ownership/rites prior to use if you win.
6. Interestingly enough, you may use one of your chances to vote on someone else's idea, thus adding to their increased chance of winning (pushing them past the three limit per person entry threshold).
7. Have fun with it! That's what I'm going to do when I'm writing it for the winner, and perhaps in due time, maybe I'll open up for a commission or two if you'd like to pay me for my service!

Please bare in mind all final approval of overall content/length/submission rights will be discussed between the winner and myself upon later review.

Raffle Will Close by February 8th, 2019 @5pm Mountain Time/USA

Good luck!
Yukibo of FA has pulled the lucky straw this time! *champagne explodes*

Thanks for participating all the same though you guys!

This was a lot of fun to put together, and maybe I'll have to do one again sometime.

Otherwise please continue to watch/comment/fave on this, our winner's story when it comes out, and anything else that comes out of my crazy imagination!

Viewed: 32 times
Added: 6 years, 1 month ago
6 years, 1 month ago
THEME: First time experiencing gay sex
DESCRIPTIONS/BACKSTORY: He likes to travel and explore new places, mostly urban areas with sights to see. He's also a little naive, often misinterpreting things, like wandering into the wrong kind of club/hotel and having the sexual awakening of a lifetime by complete accident.
6 years, 1 month ago
GENRE: sexy comedy
THEME: Transformation, gay
CHARACTER NAMES/IMAGE REFERENCES: Brian the Husky, large, slightly muscular but shy. Bucky the whitetail deer, small slutty twink, life of the party.
CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS/BACKSTORY: Modern setting. Brian doesn't know he transforms into Bucky half way through the night when he gets invited out to parties with his friends. He's constantly finding adult pictures of Bucky with his friends on his phone. People are always asking the group "When is Bucky getting to the party?" And the Brian always assumes he never remembers seeing Bucky because he gets blackout drunk a lot. It's an open secret between his friends that Brian changes and all his friends help cover up for Bucky so the character doesn't find out about his duality.
6 years, 1 month ago
GENRE: smut
THEME: gay, exhibitionism
CHARACTER NAMES/IMAGE REFERENCES: meeper https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29487737/
CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS/BACKSTORY: Meeper is a tall wolf that loves to try anything new and kinky.

Meeper bumps into someone in the meat department of a grocery store and the person finds the meat they were looking for.

Thank you for the raffle.
6 years, 1 month ago
GENRE: Romantic/smut
THEME: feet and scents
MATURITY RATING: adults only
CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS/BACKSTORY: Robert, a red kangaroo, and Joe, a rock wallaby, end up living together. Joe is SUPER hot on Robert, especially his giant roo footpaws and scent, and eventually gets to indulge in both.
6 years, 1 month ago
GENRE: Romantic/smut
THEME: gay/incest
MATURITY RATING: adults only
CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS/BACKSTORY: Belen and Malka are two brothers who makes bad acts, until Malka decides to make good things for save the universe.
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