This tag exists for Sapphire's (right now, that's me) YouTube video stuffs.
So the Emulator poop got really nasty so I'm not doing it unless people can/are able to look over the horrible glitchyness.
On that notice, my headset comes in tomorrow. That means that everyone else gets to hear my voice and my awful ability to impersonate and be situationally funny.
I have a lot of games I wanted to play, ranging from over-done Minecraft to the slightly more obscure Cave Story (obscure to me at least >.>).
Terraria (at which I suck!) to Half-Life.
Random Snes Roms to Random Morrowind (I can try).
Messing around on G-mod to... really weird Minecraftian 3079.
Honestly, I just want to have fun and make videos right now. ^_^
I could use help with recording software stuffs (audio, editing, recording for certain things) and all.
Advice and suggestions are always a plus!
If you feel I'm worth a shot, go nuts.
With that, this will be the last journal about me for a while. One because it gets annoying and two because I get a headache for feeling to bad about advertising myself like this! :<
I will make a journal listing all my videos, as an archive of sorts.
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13 years ago
27 Mar 2012 22:14 CEST