I read the rules in the support guides on Newgrounds site (after getting nothing from people I write to) and it turns out they have automatic blocking system. Which backs up my theory that it was some sort of glitch. So a bot though I broke few rules and wihout any say from a human stuff just nuked my account. I personally really dislike it. The automatic ban system is just a cousin of spellcheck system to me. And I dispite spellcheck with all my living being, machines should never say influence or say in what humans spell. I still gonna post stuff there. I just wish that it let me post stuff the bot already deleted with my first account. Like the hell? I can make new account with the same name but cant post stuff already removed? I say I lost confidence in this site. Maybe it fell from popularity for other reasons than youtube taking away it's animators. I dont really know, I just pulling thoughts out of my ass while still being somewhat frustrated.
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6 years, 2 months ago
30 Dec 2018 11:22 CET